[center][b][i]Diamond - CODEx dorm[/i][/b][/center] "The guy who can teleport is worried about obstacles." Diamond deadpanned, "It doesn't have to be an abandoned fortress on top of a rocky island in the middle of an ocean, but let's see if we can get to the survival grounds at least, or somewhere with trees, maybe Foreverfall?" she shrugged, "Anywhere but that flat sandpit really. I can build endurance fighting there, but there's hardly any skill involved as far as I care." She couldn't decide on what to wear, so she waved Oswald to the bathroom. "Make a gurgling noise if you puncture a lung with a broken rib trying to button up a shirt. Or, you know, ask for help. Whatever floats your boat." Her eyes fell on her vest. [i]Ah, memories.[/i] It used to be one of her garments of choice for breaking into homes. Momentarily she looked towards her right arm, wondering whether having no sleeves would be a bother. [i]Well, you wanted to go back to the roots.[/i] She eventually shrugged and pulled the vest out of the closet along with form fitting cargo pants and heavy duty boots. She finished her turn in the bathroom quickly with having a shower the evening before and made haste to dig everything she thought she might need to put her ideas into practice. She felt a little bit silly as she packed a math book for combat training, but when she thought about the fight from yesterday in detail, she got a few ideas that just might help her make a leap in her abilities. [i]Gee, when you use science, analysis and planned approach, you might get results. Who knew?[/i] she thought bitterly, still a bit salty about the last mission. Well, at least most of the group agreed to do something about it. She would have to see how it goes.