Thanks [@manapool1]. Go ahead and put Fuana in the character tab when you can. I added some more info on the timeline in the world info tab. Here's the gist of Daokai's modern history: The Xan dynasty rules Daokai for 50 years. The first Emperor, Fung Shao, is pretty cool and hits it off with the people. Peace and prosperity and all that. Emperor Li Shao comes along and basically takes a dump on all the progress the previous Emperor made, to the point where a rebellion kicks off. That rebellion is lead by Fong Wenzong, who would eventually overthrow Li Shao and become the new Emperor of Daokai under the Sky Dynasty. He rules for two years then dies, handing over to his son (Jien Wenzong - the current Emperor) what would be a 15 year reign full of insurrection and plague. Random Daokai notes to add: I'd say that the overall public opinion of current Emperor Jien Wenzong is mixed, to low approval. He's in the shadow of his father's glory for leading the Sky rebellion and overthrowing the Xan Dynasty (tough act to follow). Yeah, under his reign, the Dragon Fang Liberation Army rebels who were terrorizing the lands eventually met their end, and the whole plague situation was thwarted (even though 700,000 people were killed in the process), but all of that was handled by Prime Minister Guan Zen, a person that is generally more well-liked than the Emperor. In fact, Guan Zen is the one who mandated that an Imperial Court be established, shifting a lot of power away from Jien Wenzong, who was more than happy to have less stuff to oversee. Sorry... just blabbering on here lol. Don't worry. There won't be a lot of political stuff in this RP. We're here to kick ass after all and lord knows we get our fair share of politics OOC as is. I just get carried away when trying to world build.