[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XV9AQgg.gif[/img] [i]A sci-fi fantasy roleplay[/i] Themes: Magic, Crime, Vigilantism, Grimdark Posting Expectations: 2 posts on average per week. ----------------------------------------------[/center] [color=red]Notice:[/color] Potential for continued updating of OP thread. Check back for information as you see fit. [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/m7yN3lv.jpg[/img] [center][i]"Entropy. That's it. It gripped hold of us, and our minds were muddled, overcome by the intrinsic laws of the universe. It must have been."[/i][/center] Mankind escaped a perfect apocalypse. In an age long past, men existed as mundane beings,able to handle tools, learn, and naught much else. Normalcy would have us grow as a civilization as one would expect; forging weapons, erecting buildings, aligning into nations. It was our common state, our destiny, our only option. A world not unlike our own today was managed after centuries of progress and strife, and were it not for a fateful discovery, it would have continued as such. In the final days leading to the apocalypse, man had uncovered the existence of a certain [i]thing[/i] that sparked their wonder. Some had initially called it merely [i]Imagination[/i], while others had believed it evidence of the true Spirit. While the name was varied, its traits were uniform, and yet limitless in application. What I speak of is, for all tends and purposes, a form of 'magic' as we may think of it today. To us, magic elicits images of fireballs and soothing auras, but upon the world of Nera, it was far more apocalyptic. This "magic" was no mere will to send flying energetic bolts and the like, but a reactive fundamental particle that [i]listened[/i] to our thoughts; hence the name, "Imagination". Magic afforded humans a means to truly engage in "mind over matter", warping the world before them in whatever ways they could conceive. [i]It took only a thought, which is why it had spelled doom for humanity.[/i] In single nights, destruction and creation of inconceivable magnitude wrought upon the planet and beyond. Minds with no bounds created changes that ripped and tore at existence until Nera itself was but a glowing ball of flame floating in the vastness of abyssal space. For a moment, not even the sun could outshine Armageddon. And yet, as some minds destroyed, others mended. In a divine flurry of thought, Nera was in a state of flux, torn and mended infinitely as entire hemispheres lit aflame and were subsequently doused by a wash of imagination. Those few persevering souls that could survive the cataclysm resolved to end it all; to reverse this apocalypse entirely, and return Nera to peace. Ten minds gathered in the inferno. Ten minds willed themselves into one. One mind, formed of ten, instated the first ruling of magic upon the planet. The [i]Arcane Decree[/i]. Unmatched in sheer thought-power, the newly arisen entity spread its dominating influence such that no other minds could will their own thoughts into existence. In a flash of light, illuminating the system itself, Nera fused together from its multitude of crumbling and molten parts. All was well, though the loss of life was immeasurable. In its final profound act, the entity created many humans to cope with the loss, hopeful that mankind could truly recover. These are our ancestors. Many more centuries later, as humanity started from scratch once more, civilization has returned to its days before the apocalypse. But, with the presence of magic still looming and remnants of the apocalypse still lurking, the world must keep its wits about it, lest history be repeated. [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sYAoiea.jpg[/img] [i]Nera[/i]. Our world. Though it features but a single supercontinent, it is permeated by many unique cultures and peoples and is far from homogeneous. At the forefront of Nera's story is the city of [i]Neo Babylon[/i], a massive megatropolis residing near the east of the continent. Independent of all other nations, the city-state of Neo Babylon welcomes all into its folds, enjoying customs and faces from every corner of the globe. Truly a modern city, you will find no other place upon Nera with such incredible opportunity... and danger. Despite its wealth and boundless entertainment, Neo Babylon is not without its issues; vile shadows, terrorism, and rampant greed plague the city's streets and towers, so thoroughly ingrained into its culture and functioning that many question if it's worthwhile to even try fixing them. The factions of Neo Babylon spread far and wide, featuring persons of varying character. From the most disturbed of Painstaker mages to the most valiant and brave officers of Policus, people come from every background imaginable in the City of Cities. [hider=Magus Prohibitum] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/9T0Pxjb.jpg[/img][/center] Present since the dawn of humanity's new age, Magus Prohibitum serves as the glue for law and order upon Nera. Headed by the Arcane Judge itself, Magus Progibitum is considered the most powerful organization in the world in more ways than one. Gripping control over the way magic functions itself in one hand, and uninhibited jurisdiction when it comes to managing magicians across the world. Based in Neo Babylon, the Magus Prohibitum headquarters serve as the base of operations for both educators and enforcers alike. Whilst the Arcane Judge presides over maintaining the Arcane Decree twenty-four hours a day, the task of intercepting those magicians who have found ways to disobey or circumvent the laws is left to [i]Agents[/i]; talented magicians with a taste for combating other mages. While the Arcane Degree is "absolute", its effects are not all-encompassing, and the Magus Prohibitum serves to ensure that loopholes are mended where possible, and punished when executed. Their targets range from the most common street performer looking to wow a crowd with something rarely seen (and for good reason), to the worst of Painstakers weaving incredible spells capable of destroying city blocks. Agents are selected for their loyalty, impervious moral compass, and arcane skill. They are peerless among their peers on Nera, second only to those one in a million mages hidden in the crowds of Neo Babylon. Interception and punishment is not the sole function of Magus Prohibitum, however, as the organization also serves as a medium for magic education, as well as to serve as liaisons between the Arcane Judge and politicians seeking to change arcane law, for good or for worse. When certain types of magic usage are deemed too dangerous by the government, it is these liaisons that politicians turn to for change. So to is the case when something convenient is needed, but which is currently outlawed. [/hider] [hider=Painstakers] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ApMpxYb.jpg[/img][/center] Where there is law, there is defiance, and the Painstakers represent such anarchist tendencies in the world of magic. Loosely-defined as any magician that purposefully seeks to undermine the Arcane Decree, Painstakers range from curious teens sitting behind computers to massive crime syndicates using dangerous magic to serve their needs. Anathema to Magus Prohibitum, 'belonging' to Painstaker culture is prohibited and punishable by two laws; that of Magus Prohibitum, and of the city government itself. The goals of individuals within Painstaker culture vary widely, but no matter the severity of their activity, is highly frowned upon by the general populace. Considered taboo, one would be wise to hide their status as a Painstaker from friends and family. The underground community primarily revolves around the exchanging of information; how to circumvent an arcane ruling, how to brute force your past a weaker one, among others. A notable location in Neo Babylon, called the 'Necronomicon' is a prime example of the activity of Painstakers. Actually a mile-long stretch of train track in the boonies of Neo Babylon, the Necronomicon serves as a location for outlaw mages to exchange magic spells as runes imprinted along the concrete walls beside the tracks. Since its surge into notoriety, the Necronomicon has become a heavily guarded zone. Nevertheless, Painstakers find a way to exchange information there regardless, either out of spite for the government, or as an homage to the culture. The most dangerous society of Neo Babylon is tied to Painstakers; with curiosity and a disregard for the law, you might encounter greatness and adventure... at the cost of your safety. [/hider] [hider=Megacorps] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/werOe1y.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/gEwqdxQ.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/MrMIAVS.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/sO1EOul.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/GbLzjX6.png[/img][/center] With great opportunity for innovation and a state relishing in superiority and progress, the largest industrial companies of Nera flock to Neo Babylon. These megacorporations enjoy fewer laws than in surrounding nations, thanks to Neo Babylon's culture of scientific progress and innovation being stressed to the world. Ranging from simple mechanical manufacturers to technological research tycoons, the megacorporations of Neo Babylon are seen everywhere; their marketing presence is impossible to avoid. At the forefront of energy and computer systems is the Courtlandt Holdings, presiding over several other no-less-huge manufacturing companies. Specializing in military-grade technology systems, from vehicles and automatons, to firearms and explosives, Heavyware is the warring giant of Neo Babylon. Though known for its intense programming campaigns to deliver countless applications to the city and abroad, Heintje serves as a market adversary to Courtlandt Holdings, dealing in computer systems from CPU's and networking, to gaming and entertainment. Retra presents itself as the true scientists of Neo Babylon's megacorporations, continuing an age-long practice of putting research progress at the forefront of its dealings. Biology, chemistry, physics; from its discoveries stem countless product applications to be sold on the market. [/hider] [hider=Policus] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xLmOTCs.jpg[/img][/center] The police/para-military foundation serving Neo Babylon's populace. Moreso a military force than anything else, it rivals in power most other countries surrounding it. Policus deals with surveillance of the entire city, moderating traffic in and out of the city, apprehension of criminals, and the protection of its borders from outside forces. Equipped with a vast arsenal ranging from giant autonomous mecha to independent swarms of scouting drones, laser rifles and electric batons, stun guns and laser fences, they can handle "most" (as described by their representatives) every situation. The Magus Division deals with arcane issues, populated by talented magicians able to handle, at the very least, minor issues involving magic. The force is ranked like most Earthly police organizations, with Wardens directing units per Neo Babylonian District and headed by a single Commander. Recent events involving police brutality and tightened security across the entire city has raised complaints by its populace, who worry of a police state beginning to take hold after the signing of the Guardian's Respect act. The act was created in response to a surge in police deaths at the hands of criminals, and aims to increase the sense of security police themselves feel while on duty. The act contains a number of clauses, the most apparent one being the illegality of approaching an officer without first asking permission. [/hider] [hider=Shark Family] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xif7i65.jpg[/img][/center] Most people expect such a powerful and widespread lineage to be the type to endorse criminal activity, extortion, murder, etc... One would be wrong to assume such for the Shark Family, ominous as their name might be. While appearing haughty -sometimes- obnoxiously rich, the Shark Family is in fact primarily dedicated to philanthropy across Neo Babylon. Even with vast sums of money at their disposal and a well-known name to back them up, they choose instead to spend their time improving the city through various means, such as funding homeless shelters (or building them entirely), paying for paved roads, hosting festivals (they especially love the yearly Cuisines of the World event) and other helpful or enjoyable things. Belonging to the Shark family is achieved only through blood ties, though they do have a sort of honorary membership in name alone given to individuals who display particularly high philanthropic qualities. Within the family, socioeconomic class varies from middle class to the cream of the crop and everywhere in between. Regardless of wealthiness, members of the Shark family nevertheless devote themselves to improving the city and life of its citizens. But problems surface when you get into the inner politics of the family. Internal struggles have arisen in trying to maintain a certain good standing with the public as particular members of the family have squandered their cash on petty, selfish ideals and attempted to get others to do the same. Regardless of the majority of the Shark families good nature, they do not tolerate mistakes within their own kind, and have been known to carry out... questionable deeds to maintain order. If there's one thing they do that's characteristic of a powerful criminal family, its the paying off to Neo Babylon's police to keep silent about internal dilemmas they encounter. [/hider] [hider=Cleaners] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WEQ7D92.jpg[/img][/center] In the days of the apocalypse, fire and brimstone upon the surface of Nera were not the only source of strife for a lingering humanity. Where imagination took hold in ways mages intended, [i]nightmares[/i] sprouted things [i]unintended[/i], and truly horrific. These ineffably vile creatures crept through the inferno of apocalyptic Nera, many of them surviving through the entirety of the cataclysm. Those that remained lurked in the shadows forevermore, lifting their heads only to terrorize the unsuspecting. They remain persevering to this day, and within the borders of Neo Babylon where hiding spots are a dime a dozen, they thrive. Where Magus Prohibitum had forgotten about the shadows of Nera's history in favor of cementing an appearance of peace and safety, heroes have risen to combat what is ignored. The Cleaners, as they calls themselves, serve as monster hunters across Nera. Seeking out the tangible nightmares hiding in Neo Babylon and abroad, they must use their wits and all the magic at their disposal to find victory. Their battle is not endless -there are a finite number of nightmares upon Nera, and they vow to fight until all the shadows have had light cast upon them. Being of the vigilante sort, Cleaners are targets of both the government and Magus Prohibitum. Many Cleaners are former Painstakers, individuals that decided to turn their expertise in arcane ability to a "right" cause. They come from all walks of life, as the only entry requirement is a knowledge of the nightmares, and a will to fight and learn. Still, their, "by any means necessary," mindset has led them to adopt a rather unfavorable light; oftentimes the thing they seek to destroy is a tool at their disposal, lending to their occult-esque appearance to the public. [/hider] [hider=Thremont Lords] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/d9PIJJ4.jpg[/img][/center] A collection of skilled mages that have dedicated themselves to the art of education. Managing five different schools spread across Nera (including two in Neo Babylon), they are oft considered the most well-respected individuals in the world of magic. Their own research has led to the development of magitechnology, which utilizes runic spells to create reactions without the need for knowledge of magic to engage. As educators, their schools are rivaled by the institutions of Magus Prohibitum, though they are more widely regarded as proper research institutions due to their focus on the subject. Magus Prohibitum, meanwhile, focuses more on education rather than research, as their protocol shies away from trying to find new ways to apply magic. Due to their more regimented and law-abiding systems, Magus Prohibitum offers the Thremont Lords and their students more leeway in 'bending' Arcane Decree (as opposed to breaking it or otherwise circumventing laws). Developments by Thremont institutions include daemons -artificial lifeforms- and vehicles powered by will alone. [/hider] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/hoz7J2t.jpg[/img] You are a Cleaner (detailed above, in the factions listing); an individual dedicated to the elimination of darkness within Nera, by any means necessary. You have come from any background, be it as a former Painstaker, or a brave soul looking to do right for their friends, family, and civilization. It is up to you how your character came into the Cleaner folds. You may be of any age, within reason. All that is required is a strong heart, be it young or old. Your characters may know one another as older faces to the cause, or they may be new blood, unfamiliar with the etiquette and names of the secretive society. Regardless of your inexperience or otherwise, you will come to learn that teamwork and trust is a necessity when dealing the nightmares of Nera. Independence and mistrust will result in swift death. [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/eUIaJG3.jpg[/img] I [i]encourage[/i] you to make the character sheet, provided below, look more fancy and pleasant to look at. Kudos. Feel free to rearrange the sections as you see fit. [quote][noparse] [Appearance at top of sheet. Prefer anime/drawn art images. This is not an optional addition.] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Codename:[/b] [Cleaners call each other by their codenames, frequently. Helps to avoid releasing their true name to the public. One word.] [b]Color Scheme:[/b] [Two colors. Give me the hex code as well.] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [As bullet points or paragraphs. Quirks are nice.] [b]Short Biography:[/b] [Include the important points; how did you come to your current living situation, what important aspects of your history aided in it, what events were important to you, etc. Prefer conciseness over length.] [b]Magic Style:[/b] [I'm not looking for just a list of unique spells your character knows (though you should include such things), but also a unique 'style' in which they use their magic. Use your imagination here. Rather than describing exactly what I mean by this, I would rather see how players interpret it, and what they come up with.] [b]Membership:[/b] [New or old? As an old character, they will be no more experienced than 2 years on the job.] [b]Equipment:[/b] [Anything that might come up as important to a scene or your character.] [b]Relationships:[/b] [As below, Relationships should be filled in retroactively, and should detail things discussed with other players. While not mandatory, I encourage you to use it for improving upon your character build. This is especially encouraged for characters who are older members of the Cleaners. [b]Character Impressions:[/b] [Not to be included until more character sheets have been submitted. While this is an optional CS addition, I encourage you to participate as a character-building exercise. If your character is new blood, their impressions may be first impressions, while older members may give their more experienced impressions of other characters.] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [Be it battle music or the song that plays when your character's episode ends in a video game. Go wild.] [/noparse][/quote]