[@Wind Wild] She looks good. Okay everyone tomorrow I'll deal hands so anyone with personal cards needs to PM if we haven't already discussed them, Right now I have the Ace of Wands, Five of Cups and High Priestess, you know who you are ;) The deck currently has: Death, The Page of Wands, Judgment, Justice and Temperance in it in addition to the three aforementioned personal cards. I will be adding as many of the High Arcana as I can to the deck before we start but if you want to lay claim to cards for any not selected personal cards now is the time to do so. I'll be pming the people their personal card hooks so you have an idea of the direction I'm taking things. Feel free to send back input before tomorrow. Keep in mind I will try to tailor the hook to however draws it. I'm excited to get things going thank you all for making this happen