Kinda funny how a game clearly labeled a kung fu fantasy with a clear chinese style has two very obviously not chinese PCs. But yeah, lets add another chinaman to the party. [hider=Appearance][center][img][/img][/center][/hider] [center][u][b]Theme Song:[/b][/u] IDK, will update should I find something appropriate[/center] [b][u]Name/Nickname:[/u][/b] Gao Meng [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 26 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [u][b]Political Affiliation:[/b][/u] Neutral [u][b]Fighting Style:[/b][/u] Informally referred to as the Gate-Breaking Fist, primarily by its user, Gao Meng’s style is the product of small village schools from the Nine Peaks Valley in the far western peninsula, unaffiliated to major organizations such as the Grand Temples and taught only within that territory. Though by no means well known, its down to earth origins as a means of protecting the land and its people from rebellions, large bandit groups and even potential invasions make it a very practical and effective martial art, particularly when refined through a competitive atmosphere between schools. Efficiency, economy of movement, proper positioning and generating explosive bursts of power to strike the opponent down swiftly are the core tenets of the style. It relies on simple straightforward techniques, always keeping defense in mind, and practitioners are taught how to fight effectively at all distances and how to target the opponent’s body at high, medium and low levels. Though it has a solid grappling element as any complete school worth studying, it is primarily focused on countering grappling-heavy opponents and quick sweeps and unbalancing techniques to complement its focus in delivering crushing blows. It has earned its name for both its aspect of "opening" an opponent’s guard, typically forcibly as though crashing through a gate, rather than taking no action if one finds no way around it, and because of Gao’s predilection for using its powerful short range techniques such as shoulder strikes to blast down doors as a way of making a dramatic entry when challenging schools. Weapon-wise it has a strong lineage of staff and spear practices, arms commonly handled by peasants, but Gao’s skills in these areas are merely adequate and pale in comparison to his dedication to body strengthening and applications of unarmed combat. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Loud, adventurous, fearless, full of energy and straightforward to the point of rudeness, it is all but impossible to mistake Gao Meng for an ascetic or an introspective martial master, let alone someone involved in court intrigues. An errant young man who craves excitement and to see the world beyond the reaches of his native village, he is supremely confident in his fighting skills and sets out to prove to everyone who’ll listen that the martial arts of Nine Peaks Valley are the greatest. And well, if they become known as the Gate-Breaking Fist because of his exploits, that’s just peachy in his book. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] The son of a regular farming family in the relatively ample valley of Nine Peaks in the western peninsula, Gao Meng was brought up in a fairly no-nonsense environment and the village’s martial arts school was his main reprieve from what even as a child he saw as a dull life. The other were the infrequent trade caravans from outside the area, which brought stories of the outside world. Tales of military and martial exploits, many of them wholly fictitious or wildly exaggerated, were passed down to the delight of the area's youth, but for Gao they were more than simple entertainment. They became an obsession. Dreams of glory drove him to train ever harder, and his constant progress fueled his dreams of glory in turn. He had seen the effectiveness of the valley's martial arts first hand, against both so-called experts that often arrived in the caravans and the Grand Temples' disciples when they were sent out to hopeless challenges as a way to break down their ego. He simply could not understand how so many men in so many villages would not seek out fame and fortune in a wider world. So many famous names and legendary schools, and he knew he had the tools to forge just as impressive a legend as any other. He just had to go out and do it. It took him eight years after coming of age to feel truly ready to do so. He would not set out until he knew without a shadow of a doubt he was the best fighter in the Valley, he could not risk embarrassing his homeland's arts. It took him many challenges to many schools, many fights that at first threatened to sour relationships between the villages and which eventually made him something of an outcast, but he did it. There were eventually no challenges left in his homeland. Many didn't understand his obsession, a few still harbored some resentment over his actions, but the entire martial arts community of the area gathered to say their goodbyes. Gao Meng, the menace of the Nine Peaks Valley, set out in the back of a random caravan with an unknown course towards the central areas of Daokai at age 26. He would bring glory and fame to his homeland and its martial arts or die trying. [b][u]Inventory:[/u][/b] Nothing in particular. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] In case it wasn’t obvious the fighting style is heavily based on Bajiquan, [url=]depicted in a really cool scene here[/url], though it also has influences and concepts from other schools of Chinese martial arts.