A great, raucous laughter filled the brothel as Jack, Harry and Rebecca entered the den of debauchery together. “Oh! And dear god, did you see his face?! He was all ‘Where’d all th’ cash go?’ While you’re running down the street with what musta been about a dozen sacks of cash and coin! I tell you Harry, if I didn't know you so well I’d say you were a master thief!” Jack burst out in laughter as he paraded his group of friends to the entrance to the Guild Hall. “Evnin’ Paul, how about we catch a drink sometime, ‘ey old chum?” Jack spoke as he brushed off his drenched shoulders and shook his wet, shaggy hair. It was a great night, he was already drunk, alongside of his friends and he still had a fresh palm print across his cheek from his night of trying to snag a pretty girl into his bed for the night. “Ah, what’s the point, you never move too far from this door anyhow. You just be a good guard dog and watch for any miscreants, other than myself of course.” He loved to joke with Paul, loved to see how far he could push the man. Jack wondered how he’d fair in a bout of fisticuffs with the old brute, but then he remembered the last guy who tried and quickly straightened up. “Well that’s enough of that, any word that I’ll be getting past you? Or does Snow still have that stick up her ass about me? Lovely gal, she… I’d love to get her between my sheets if you know what I mean. Don’t ya Paul? She’s a right beauty she is, and boy the things I’d do to her if I could just- Ahem… I got to be a professional, see; I’m part of this here esthabilshment and… oh my, Harry! Catch!” He shouted as he collapsed backwards into Harry’s waiting arms, laughing in his drunken stupor. “Sorry for that Paul, Jack had a might have had too much of the whiskey tonight and may have had his block knocked off by a proper lady. Can we uh, get him to his room now? Becky, grab his damn legs already, he’s too heavy for me to drag around, the ass can’t seem to keep settled for one night after a successful ‘job’. I swear it’s like he thinks he’s some sort of genius.” Harry spoke as Rebecca moved around Harry to grab Jack’s legs. “Yea, see, this is about where I want to see you, Becky. Right there. Right in between me… oh no…oh no… Oh!” Jack sputtered as he shook his head. “Alright that’s enough, the room is spinning and I’d like to get off. Harry! Rebecky! To my room! HYAH!” He shouted with a drunken laugh as Rebecca shook her head at his comments. A few forgotten moments passed and Jack found himself still not in his room, still dressed and still with a terrible spinning headache. “God damn, I told you to my room. You dunderheads!” He shouted as the commotion within the brothel got louder as more patrons were coming in from the rain. “Ah, hell with it, I’ll just sleep here until Snow or Elle wake me, maybe they’ll send me on a real job instead of one I make up for a quick buck.” Jack mumbled then closed his eyes, not drifting into slumber, but more into a state of not giving a flying shit about the rest of the room unless someone called his name. It wasn’t peaceful, but it sure beat the room spinning in circles while his head was pounding and his cheek still tingly with the stinging sensation of the slap he had received from a beautiful British lass he had met earlier that night. Recounting the events of that encounter, he chuckled and smiled to himself. “She’da been a right naughty little girl in my bed if I just got her there.” He laughed then raised his hand up. “Harry, one of these days I’m gonna score me a great woman, and damn me if it happens to be Rebecca. She is quite a wonderful woman you know… I just aint got the courage to tell her… ya’know?” Jack spoke then had a gentle hiccup. “She’s right here still isn’t she?” He spoke when he noticed that he didn't hear Harry’s voice, until just after his question. “Ya, she sure is Jack. But it’s okay, I don’t think she heard you.” Harry said with a wink to Rebecca, this was a common occurrence whenever Jack got drunk. He’d say something he’d likely regret later, but not remember he’d said it at all.