It was official, she did not like Grendrcik. She frowned as he went on and on about his disinterest in the rest of them. History was one of the things that gave people something to strive for in the face of adversity. The way he said it, she didn't feel she could trust him not to just abandon the rest of them if his mood soured. Failed in her hunt? He'd also failed to put anything but doubt in Ayse's mind. Siph... Siph on the other hand... She immediately liked him. Even the grouchy wolf liked him, and he didn't seem to like anybody. The way he talked to Nove like a person and his humble bow to Marianne. They were the signs of a leader in his own right and just plain a good person. She was thrilled to have him along. Though she did wish he hadn't entered like an avalanche, as her slightly burned hand could attest. Summoning flame in a panic wasn't good for anyone. It was... something to work on. She'd apply some balm to it later. If they were heading into the rifts soon she wanted to conserve her mana. [color=fdc68a][b]"Sir Siph,"[/b][/color] she wasn't sure what the actual formality for this situation was and ended up on a somewhat sheepish wave, [color=fdc68a][b]"Noquin has told me a lot about you. I'm looking forward to seeing if all the stories were true. I can say that you've live up so far. Have you ever been to the rift we're going to? Do you have any tips or suggestions outside of the obvious?"[/b][/color]