[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Cf16fPh.png?1[/img] Route 1 [/center] [@Caits][@Iatos][@Raijinslayer] Rasa was unable to do anything to truly help her pokemon. Thore stood up, and in the brief moment when she heard Meintja voice clearly telling her she wouldnt leave her on her own, Rasa was watching the ground type change into his ginja form. She felt touched, maybe one of her pokemon she reached with her action? Meintja was protective and guarding her. Even grazia opted to help and not simply leave things unattended, proving to the her trainer that she was right in trusting her. And yet so when Rasa was looking and up and up, seeing thore was seriously taller than her, she smiled at him warmly. Eyes worrying when she showed he was hurt more than he let on. His anger, looked weaker, as if it was passing. But the stubbornness was there. She will have to be careful for both, Meintja and Thore as they appeared to be types who would push them self far beyond what they should. He said something. She had zero idea what. He started to move closer. Only to drop over like a log, fainted. [color=6ecff6]"What did he say? "[/color] She asked for a translation briefly looking at Grazia and then at Meintja, with a hopeful look that one of them would be so kind to do it. She really wished to know what he said, it felt important. But Rasa was a human and didnt speak pokemon. Slightly wincing, as she attempted to stand up by leaning on her bitten hand. She forgot herself, but clenching her teeth together she pushed herself up anyway and took the ball from the ground. She eyed it and then eyed the tall fainted form. She couldnt leave him just laying there. With no reviews on hand, she had to bring him to the pokecenter. And Thore decided to faint his gijinka form but reverted back into his pokemon form. [hider=edited out because Thore is small and not big ] if he was in his pokemon she may have been able to carry him... But like this? He was simply too big, so the pokeball will have to do. She pointed the red and white ball towards the fainted form and the light shot out safely pulling him inside the ball, where his wounds couldnt get worser. [/hider] She looked at the bite that looked and felt worse than it probably was, she had to do something about it.