Though her expression changed little, Alya was bemused by the tussle that unfortunately damaged the guilds wall. Certainly the most famous adventurer among those outside the Guild, Siph was no less than a living legend. There was no doubt that despite the height difference between Siph and the Lycan, the former's ‘presence’ matched the later. No, rather, it exceeded it. The denmother was more than proof of that. Any rumor about Siph’s amazing strength gained validity in the half-Sylphs mind after having seen exceed it in a wrestling match. Certainly an interesting fellow. Still, she did not forget to watch the others as this odd but hilarious situation unfolded. As one would expect, the Lycan and Orc made their way out of the building in short order. Weird to her, the Lycan had reacted more poorly to the situation than she had thought. He really must have a one track mind. Just how much human was left in Mister Grendrick? And almost as important, which exact part of that human remained? Perhaps they could relate better than she had expected, though not in attitude. The humanity he lacked showed, which would inevitably lead to conflict within their group down the road. Alya was content to exist within the background, but to be a leader is to burden yourself. The half-sylph had no doubts about his potential as a warrior, but this situation was still bound to one day become delicate. Shortly Grendrick had left and people began to crowd about Siph and his companion, they being the...dominating figures of the room that they were. She made sure to give the conversation some attention, but didn’t rise like the others. Instead, she went about preparing a list of basic provisions for their group that could last a few days. Alya was sure it likely wouldn’t last that long, but being careful was better than dying. Keeping your strength up on the battlefield was no joke. “I’ll front the cost for our basic supplies. If it's fine, I'd like to buy them when we make our way to the Church.” She spoke up just loud enough to be heard by the rather enthusiastic group, list of supplies in hand. After all, you can't go into a dungeon without the most important tool for any adventurer; [i][u][b]rope[/b][/u][/i]. The only alternative to buying their own was relying on the guild for supplies, but she’d rather inspect the teams things herself. Siph made them a target, and there was no shortage of unsavory types in the city. She also didn’t want to stop some of the more impatient members to inspect things just before entering the rift. It wouldn’t set well with the Orc or Lycan in all likelihood, the later more likely so.