[@Gunther][@Hellis][@MysT3CH][@Noxious][@Life in Stasis][@BlackPanther][@FantasyChic][@Culluket] Okay everyone. I will be dealing your hands this evening when I walk in the door from teaching martial arts. If I have no PM'd you with a final version of your card it means the card is not in the deck. Please take a look at the character section first post and see if there are any other places that need to be filled in before we begin. I will be updating the last of the buildings and adding NPCs as I create them. If you need any more information on any of the NPCs or buildings please let me know. Additionally the opening post will be going up this evening and the initial facts for the first mystery will be going up. I'll answer any questions as soon as I'm through the door again. Take care and make any last preparations. As soon as I PM you a card go ahead and add it to your hand on the character sheet