[quote=@manapool1] Hey. I am trying to get back into roleplaying, and I was wondering if you guys would let me try to coach my way in here. I have only ever been able to play an advanced game twice, and it has been a very long time since them, over three years, but I want to be able to go back to that level. I will try my best to keep to the level you all hope to get from anyone in the Advanced category but I can not promise that is what I can match, but there is no way to advance my skill without pushing myself. Is this alright with you? Not just GMs but players too. [/quote] I'm always trying to better my writing, I may not be the greatest writer but I'm always getting better and that's the important part, that you're willing to try and be better. In fact I don't think anyone considers their work the pinnacle of perfection. Read the rules, and design your character with those in mind. We're always accepting new players.