so a post finally happened! a few things: 1) i swear to god the toe grabbing thing she did is a legitimate thing, i do it all the time with stuff i'm too lazy to pick up off the ground and whenever i do it in front of mainlanders they look at me like i shot laserbeams out of my eyes. i think maybe it's a hawaii/asian skill? idk. but it's a thing, i promise. 2) the pocketwatch arty grabbed doesn't have to be magical or anything, i more just wrote that in because mok was saying you're more of a reactionary writer so i figured i'd throw in a surprise for you to… react to? >.< do with it what you will 3) i'm gonna list everything arty has just so i can keep track of it -pants -top -blue trenchcoat -scarf around her head -silenced foot wraps -some jewelry she was already wearing -food stuffs -knife -bag -pencil -whatever the hell else from a kitchen -witch's lightning staff -oseely's rune on her left hand -rosary -nura the gryphon (armor but no saddle i think?) -glowy rock -non-glowy rock -rabbit mask -pocket watch