I have many stories of people on the RPG being so incredibly stupid that I felt the need to quit roleplaying altogether. \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Well, let me start with a roleplay I ran ages ago (Basically a realistic superpower roleplay set in a Las-Vegas/New Orleans type place, w/e). It was going fairly okay. But then, there was this one dude who joined with a character that seemed simple enough; opened holes in objects. That's at least what I thought. A little while later, someone else joins with the ability to open portals. The former dude started complaining about how this character has the same power as his (being very passive aggressive about it). I and a GM noted that we had a different idea of how the power functions due to the fact that, well, he didn't make any mention of teleportation. We were willing to hear him out, but then he just goes on a tantrum, and leaves. All was fine and dandy until his friend also leaves with a rather closed-minded message I respond to, which drew him back. He comes at me and my gm acting like I "wronged" him, acting like a complete and utter fool in the process. It becomes a back and forth with no real progress on any side, so I just chose to ignore him, and everything went back to the normal. Though, when I closed the RP, he just had to come back, and leave one more message that basically just amounts to "fuck you, I'm going to bug you forever." I, again, ignore him, and just quietly added him to my blacklist for good. Probably my tamest story, but I didn't feel like describing the others.