[@dragonmancer] Tekkan gritted his teeth and planted his feet firmly on the ground as Tyrant Dragon flapped its wings and flew back into Drake's hand, destroying all Spell Cards on the field in the process. "U-Urgh...! Th-That really smarts!" He shook it off and drew his next card. When he found out what it was, his eyes widened. This was his last chance at making a comeback. "Alright, my move! First, I activate the Spell Card Reinforcement of the Army! This allows me to add a Level 4 or lower Warrior monster from my deck to my hand! And I choose Igknight Squire!" The card, which depicted a yellow knight with a rather large but short-bladed gunblade, ejected from Tekkan's deck and into his hand. "Next, I activate both it and Igknight Crusader in my Pendulum Zones, and Pendulum Summon back all the Igknight monsters in my extra deck!" The aforementioned yellow knight and a blue knight with a long and slim sword and a helmet with a flat top materialized on the left and right sides of Tekkan's field, whistling out Margrave, Gallant, Cavalier, and Templar, all of whom took fighting poses alongside Paladin. "But that's not all! By destroying Margrave, Paladin, and Templar, I can Special Summon my strongest monster: Igknight Noble Viscount!" The three aforementioned Igknights leaped into the air and crossed blades with each other, destroying the lot of them and summoning out a stronger warrior with sleek jet black armor and dual blades which resembled shotguns. "And with his effect, I can destroy an Igknight in one of my Pendulum Zones and Special Summon a Level 7 or higher Igknight Effect Monster from my deck! I'll destroy Squire to Special Summon Igknight Champion from my Deck!" The new sleek black Igknight carefully aimed one of his shotguns at the yellow recruit, who closed his eyes and gave a salute before he was blasted, immediately being replaced by a larger, more neon yellow Igknight with a weapon resembling a rocket launcher lugged on his back. "And now, I'll attack your life points directly! [b]GOOOOOOOO!!!![/b]" Tekkan pointed his index finger at Drake as his knight squadron launched an all-out attack, sure to destroy him completely.