Jun shrugged a bit. She only ever had friends in classes not ones she hung out with outside of school or even at lunch really. She wasn't sure where her need to be this close to Kenton came from, but she was positive friends were this affection. "Friends comfort each other. Make them feel protected. They share their deepest secrets and I assume they provide affection too," she said quietly before her stomach started to growl. She blushed a bit and let out a laugh. "Are you hungry for real food? We can order take out...I have a few bucks on my that my dad hasn't gotten his hands on yet. Nothing beats takeout, movies, and friends. Maybe later we can play a game or something if you're not tired of me yet." She opened his hand so she could trace the creases in his. She had a little bit of an obsession with palm reading so she found the lines on a persons hand interesting. "You should let me try and read your future one day if you're into that kind of stuff. On my last birthday my mom got me some tarot cards and a beginners guide to palm reading. I'm a big believe in the fates, you know?" she said finally letting her fingers rest with his.