[@The1Rolling1Boy]Having an immoral character could be interesting I suppose, but once you're in the game please refrain from randomly killing other players or anything like that. I ran a Runequest campaign once where this guy randomly chopped off another players head without warning and, well, we've had a "no evil characters" rule at the table ever since. But just don't go too far and the assassin thing will be fine! Just a few things I'd like you to tune up before we finalize your character sheet; please list Quivering Palm under technique that way it'll be easier for me to see, and also list your katana's as equipment if you're going to be using them. Also could you give a little detail on your master's disappearance? Just a sentence or two would be fine. And lastly remember that this is a low-tech setting, so Vex's clothes aren't going to be as grand in play as they are in that picture! Just poke me when you're done with all that and I'll give you your Luck and we can work on Vex's introduction. And welcome! ------------ Okay the new post is up! [@Fancy Party]You need to read the part meant for [@rocketrobie2] and [@jumpadraw] because you're the scarred character who appears at the end of it. As for[@Eklispe][@Vec]; Vec not only managed to hit the creature, but hot-holy-damn he also successfully used his Empowerment Technique on the very first combat of the game. That's awesome, and does enough damage to dispatch the creature, which according to the rules means he gets to describe how the fight is resolved. Hop to it soldier, have fun! I'll also begin working on maps of certain areas you've visited so far so that they'll be easier to visualize. Fair warning though -- I have very little artistic talent so the maps probably won't be very pretty.