[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LjM2YmZjZS5XbVZ1YjNacFlTQkJiRzFwY21VLC4w/eutemia-i.italic.png[/img] [@Darkwatck01][/center] [hr] The shaman merely watched as the Warlock demonstrated some of his power and control over this realm. She couldn't help be feel disturbed by the mass the beast held in his hand. It was a pitiful existence for sure. The scream she heard was faint, but it seemed.. somewhat human. The orb that now rested in the Warlocks hand seemed like a soul, she saw an emptiness within it. When orb crashed into the empty husk, she had an idea of what was going on. This is possibly why he wanted 'Humanity', but she wasn't sure, since he failed to answer her question. She took a half step back as the creature appeared behind the Warlock. She was curious about it, yet unwilling to delve into the physiology of the summoned beast. It reminded her of Vert. Perhaps it was just the maw.. She followed the Warlock back inside, taking this time to think about her decision, she opened her mouth to speak after he had finished. It had only just occurred to her that she hadn't given the Warlock her name.. Perhaps it was due to their previous encounter leaving behind some hostilities. [color=6ecff6]"Excuse my rudeness."[/color] She began, bowing toward the Warlock. [color=6ecff6]"My name is Zenovia Almire, a Spirit Walker from the House of Almire. I will accept your offer, however I would like to keep my own body. As my previous mentor once taught me; 'A spirit walker's potential lies within the bond between their spiritual and physical form.' Perhaps she generalised that statement as I was a child when she told me."[/color] Zenovia continued, her tone of voice had become more respectful as she spoke. [color=6ecff6]"I humbly ask you to be my teacher. However I cannot assist you, should you ask me to harm my comrades. If it is only [i]Humanity[/i] that you seek, I will endeavour to obtain it in tangible form. Should we meet outside this realm, I must act as your enemy. Is this acceptable?"[/color]