[h2] [color=orange]Elias Fawkes[/color] [/h2] [hr] Elias knawed on some meat while he watched the sun rise. He barely slept...again. His thoughts seemed lost as he opened the door and went to where he kept his horses and mule. He kept two as if he was worried something would happen to the big stallion named shadow. The horse was more likely to injure someone or something with bad intention then get killed itself. Elias prepped the horse with simple reigns and a simple well used saddle. He then gently urged the horse out for his day to begin. Elias rode in rather early a top a horse so dark a red it was basically black. He dismounted at Malcolm's saloon and silently strode inside his eyes shadowed by his black hat. He found a table toward the back and sunk into it settling in to wait. As people gathered in the began to talk and talk they did. His head tilted at the odd rumor of the cow. Something had killed a cow and left no trace. His brow raised as the various different patrons added various different touches to the story. Elias always found that part interesting. People adding their own touches to make the story more scary or mysterious. Though the parts that sounded true were the parts that had his skin crawling. He itched at his arm....he was going to be molting soon and it was always irritating. As he itched he stood and strood back out quickly mounting the large horse and headed to The House of Angels. Or as liked to think of it, his second home. He settled the horse and made his way quietly inside. He did not like what he heard and he did not like the idea of leaving his girls unprotected today. He settled into a chair by the door and waited for the activities of the day to start. Scratching at his arm and letting his amber eyes glaze as his did so.