[center][h1][color=yellow]Matt Ronwell[/color][/h1][/center] [center][sub][/sub][/center] Matt laughed, both at their opponent's long-winded response and Ayami's decidedly short-winded reply to it. To be honest Matt had found himself preparing to duel with Ayami now, but it seemed she had other plants. [color=yellow]"Heh, he is a bit long winded isn't he? I shall accept your offering and go pursuing with you."[/color] Matt said, his own duel disk shutting down after the cards were removed, turning into merely small piece of tech on his arm. [color=yellow]"Do you have anything specific in mind to look for, or are we just window shopping? Either way I'm sure an academy like this has a more than well stocked card shop"[/color] Matt asked as he began walking with Ayami. [color=yellow]"Oh, and it wasn't a half bad duel devil dude."[/color] Matt called over his shoulder, otherwise ignoring Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell, it seemed his help had been overkill in that duel by a bit, but that was alright, Ayami didn't seem to mind at all.