[center][h1][color=39b54a]The Citadel's Artifactorium[indent]1800 hours[indent]Sunday[/indent][/indent][/color][/h1][/center] A shadow crept along the walls, as if alive. The Lord Templar guarding the "Artifactorium" didn't noticed anything out of the usual. They seemed to be talking about a certain Mage that was caught training with swords, when the shadow materialized and slashed their necks before they even had time to move a hand. A Mage soon came out of the shadow. Shadows crept over his body as armor, his face was covered in shadows. All of it except his neck where an Amulet that was broke hanged from his neck, devouring the shadows as soon as they tried to cover that exposed part of his body. The Mage approached the door and put a finger on the door and a shield of pure light repelled it as soon as it touched the door. The Mage shook his head and put his hand on the Amulet and it glowed slightly and then the door broke in many, many pieces. Revealing the artifacts inside the Artifactorium. A small army of Templar came out of the halls attracted by the sound and the strong light that emanated from the shield. The Mage turned his head and shook it as he pointed his finger towards a 4 Templar dressed in golden armor and suddenly their eyes turned red. They stopped in their tracks and turned towards the other Templar and attacked the others. The Mage entered the Artifactorium, closed his eyes and soon the broken Amulet started glowing and in the other part of the Artifactorium another artifact started glowing. Many artifacts were kept there but the Mage simply ignored them, moving towards the glowing artifact. After a few minutes, minutes in which the Templar he "persuaded" to join him fought everyone that tried to enter the Artifactorium, he reached the glowing artifact. A small part of the same Amulet he had on his neck. Fire parts were missing from it but with this one, only for remained. He looked at it, grinned and moved his hand over the Amulet piece and it flew into the Amulet around his neck, uniting the two parts. Soon after the Amulet started glowing again and a small explosion of magical energy emanated in the room. The Mage, was of course shielded but nothing else was as everything in the room disintegrated instantly. The Artifactorium, stood now empty and the Mage simply smiled and then simply vanished. The guards that protected the Mage were killed and more guards poured in the room, only to see it empty. [hr][indent][hr][/indent] [center][h1][color=Blue]The Citadel's Barracks[indent]0500 hours[indent]Monday[/indent][/indent][/color][/h1][/center] Alexis woke up with banging on her door. She rose up from her bed to see what happened. Her shift only started at 0900 and it couldn't be that time yet. She opened the door and saw four Holy Templar in full armor and weapons at the ready, she quickly saluted them and said : " [color=yellow] Morning ! Something happened ? It's not my shift yet. [/color] " with a puzzled look on her face. If the Holy Templar were here something bad happened. That or she was sentenced to death for no apparent reason, something that sometimes happened to non-humans. One of the Holy Templar approached her, saluted back and said : " [color=red] Ben'Ghazard ! His Holiness Gregory Ascended Templar Markovic requested your presence in his office. We are here to escort you to him. Dress up and let's go. [/color] ". Alexis was stunted. If The Ascended Templar wanted to see her something really, really bad happened. As she was dressing up she tried to ask the Templar what happened but only received answers like " We don't know. " or " Holiness Gregory Ascended Templar Markovic knows. We are sent here to get you and the other senior staff " so Alexis didn't learned much. She took her best cloths on and walked to the Ascended Templar's office which was in a tower that overlook all the Citadel. It was the first time anyone that was not a Holy Templar entered it. The tower was guarded by more than 50 Holy Templar, no one could even approach the tower without being seen by a guard. As she approached the office, she saw the Holy Templar arrive with more soldiers and she was surprised to see that, even some Magi that were chained and had muzzles on their heads to keep them from casting any kind of magic were brought towards the office. "[color=silver] Ok...something bad happened [/color]" said Alexis under her breath. [hider=Ping List] [@Kyrisse][@canaryrose][@Shadow Daedalus][@Xandrya][@Caits][@BlackPanther] [/hider]