[color=9e0b0f]One foot in front of the other Aaron walked through the forest path, every step seemed to echo, he could hear them hear his footsteps, thousands of tiny eyes watching inside and out. they crawled in his head too and under his skin. The forest was not a nice place. Aaron heard something growling, hungry, in the woods. He felt his skin crawl as a buzzing voice filled his head [color=fff200]"Keep Focused Aaron, watch your step, it wont be long now till we reach them, We reach the others."[/color][color=92278f]"Shh be quiet be quiet be quiet. They can hear us. They smell our breath."[/color][color=fff200]"The Beasts in the woods are asleep, they cant see us yet But be quiet so you dont wake them up Aaron. It would be bad bad bad if we woke them up."[/color] At last Aaron could see the castle, he could feel its walls crawling up the heavens like a vine, the air tasted foul like sulfer..not too unlike how the hive smelled in his dreams. but he heard other noises other voices as well he could hear the violence. And he looked and saw...was it an angel? an archon? [color=92278f]"Do I see that?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Its light fills your eyes, reflected by the cruel sun. It has form. It has been so long, our memory is fuzzy...what was it?"[/color][/color] Aaron had finally arrived at the fortress and stood motionless at the sight of the birdlike creature.