[i]Watergate? You mean that place in D.C. where all the hotshots live? Yeah, seems like a nice place to live. Anyway...[/i] [center][img]http://nam.wz.cz/images/m16m45.jpg[/img][/center] People don't really know much about it. What scandal? Yeah, the Watergate scandal never happened. What are the butterflies? A pretty big one; The Republican Party maintained control of congress in the 1974 midterms and so military aid to South Vietnam was never cancelled. As a result, South Vietnam is still kicking - as are the Khmer Republic and the Kingdom of Laos. However, the latter two nations remained embattled and mired with communist violence. During Carter's presidency from 1977 to 1981 the situation escalated with cutbacks to these three nations. The coalition government in Laos has collapsed, reigniting the civil war, and the Khmer military lost much of the countryside to the Khmer Rouge. South Vietnam is still looking good, but that situation is not going to last long if the CIA is to be believed. In 1981, Ronald Reagan became president. His administration did away with the old strategy of containment and instead adopted 'Rollback'. In that Grand Strategic objective, the US is once again scaling up military aid to South Vietnam, the Khmer Republic, and the Kingdom of Laos. However, it is apparent that this will not be sufficient - there needs to be direct American involvement even if Columbia suffers from Vietnam syndrome. As such, it is to be kept under the table. This Aurora business is a big deniable op. What is Aurora, you may ask? It's a joint venture between the US and the Republic of Vietnam. It's the codename for a special forces team that operates in South Vietnam, the Khmer Republic, and Laos. The idea is to support the armies of our allies through intelligence gathering, searching and destroying larger targets, and other short, high-intensity operations. Its existence is only known by the President, the Secretary of Defence, and the right people in the Pentagon, the CIA, and South Vietnam. The date is November 1981, and the task force is materializing. After careful screening and selection, a number of American and South Vietnamese personnel meet up in Tan Son Nhut airbase to start their jungle adventures. [hr] Heyo! I'm looking for people interested in this. If you are, or if you have any questions, please drop a message!