[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170203/8fe156f27d13c66542009e2ef803c423.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a8/31/f3/a831f37f384d7c32b97daf39aa22c5fd.jpg[/img] [sub]{[color=black]"Do you have what it takes to survive?"[/color]}[/sub][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170203/38481c9017b98f939fbc56c492d2c44e.png[/img][/center] [i]"Wilhelm Manor was founded in a small Colorado town by James Walter Wilhelm during the Summer of 1929. He and his son, William Wilhelm, moved to the States when William. was just a boy; his father ran a family business that he'd later on inherit and continue to run. Having grown up extremely privileged, Mr. William grew up to be a very egotistical young man. He had an air and haughty arrogance about him that he was very notorious for; his mere presence was intimidating to many. At the age of twenty-seven, William married the beautiful Sarah James and moved into his father's old manor. There, Sarah and William had three children: William Jr., Chauncey, and Tabatha Wilhelm, each of the siblings one, two, and three years apart respectively. Unlike the rest of the children in the small town, the Wilhelm kids were rarely seen outside of their home. Sarah became a stay at home mother after the birth of Tabatha, and used her time to home-school the children. The neighbors would only see Mr. Wilhelm leave every now and then for his "business trips" in other states. After a few years, however, he, too was no longer seen outside of the manor. There was only one time of the year where the family were seen roaming about. [b]Halloween.[/b] Each year, the family wore the same exact Halloween costumes: plain white bed sheets covering their bodies from head to toe. Instead of Trick-or-Treating, however, the family would simply take a few strolls around the town, watching and listening. They were [b]always[/b] back inside of the house before the clock struck 12. They kept up this tradition for almost ten years before the Police came searching for Mr. Wilhelm just days before the tenth Halloween (reason unknown.) When nobody answered the front door, officers were forced to break in, but once they entered the manor they were greeted by a silent, abandoned building. After a thorough investigation of the house, authorities saw that while the majority of their belongings were still in their usual places, the Wilhelm Manor had not been occupied for more than ten years. After a while, the house was fixed up and put back on the market. Every family that moved into the old manor, however, never lasted there for more than a couple of weeks. Each of the families reported experiencing a number of "strange events" that occurred in the manor during their stay. After a while, it became common knowledge that the house held some pretty bad "juju," and [b]nobody[/b] wanted to be anywhere near that. So, people eventually just stopped moving in."[/i] "Wait, so what happened to the Wilhelm's? And who was walking around under the sheets if they'd been gone for a decade?" Many questions come tumbling from your mouth, but by then the strange young girl is already making her way back down the hall. [i]"Some say they moved away,"[/i] the girl called over her shoulder, [i]"but I don't think so. I believe they [b]died[/b]."[/i] With that, the girl rounded the corner and disappeared from sight. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170203/992e434c77ef61dc0f5dc156924da2cb.png[/img][/center] Your character is an average, high school student living in Boulder, Colorado. With Halloween just a couple of days away, you and a group of other teenagers from your school, after hearing about the mysterious place, plan to take an overnight trip to the abandoned Wilhelm Manor where there is no cell reception, and nearest civilization is miles away. While goofing off and playing around the manor, the group suddenly stumbles upon the mangled body of one of their peers, and must decide on how to handle the situation. Do they try to [u][i]flee[/i][/u] and risk certain death, or do they [u][i]stay and try to figure out who killed her[/i][/u] before the killer strikes again? Your character could be going on the trip for multiple reasons: they want to prove whatever to whomever, their curiosity got the better of them, they have nothing better to do, etc. Characters are very diverse in different ways (economic level, race, personality, "clique") , and some of them may not even get along very well. All is up to [u][b]you[/b][/u]. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170203/f9d6e987573dc16e1af89ee69a2824b0.png[/img][/center] [list][*][b]Have fun[/b]. Get to know each other. Hopefully we'll be RP-ing with each other for a good while, so it's better to have a feel for one another/feel comfortable. [*][b]NO DRAMA IN THE OOC.[/b] The IC, however, is a different story. [*][b]Keep it Rated PG-13.[/b] All is allowed, just be sure to mind the Guild rules. In other words, if you tryna get [s]freaky[/s] [s]nasty[/s] [b]explicit[/b] and go beyond kissing/making out, either fade to black or take it to the PMs. [*][b]Quality over Quantity.[/b]. Of course, I'd like for everyone to post at least one to two paragraphs of content each post. However, this does not mean type up two large paragraphs of complete [s]bullshit[/s] rubbish because you're trying to meet this expectation. [*]You may make as many characters as you can handle. I do, however, [b]highly suggest[/b] that you create at least two... just in case your character is killed off. Don't worry about that, though. I will always ask before killing off any character. [*]Character relations are not optional. [*]Please post Character Sheets here for approval before moving them to the characters tab.[/list]