Her face colored brilliantly at the words of Ingrid being able to smell their [i]lovemaking[/i]. The fact that Shay didn’t recall what had been said, or at least, supposedly said, brought around some relief. She wouldn’t say a word, not until Sam and her went to discover the situation. For the rest of the car ride over to Bingley Park, a park used often during the winter as the pond was shallow, and froze easily when the temperature dropped; Vera made small talk with Shay, her mind occupied elsewhere. It wasn’t until they stood in line with other patrons waiting to purchase a pair of skates for the evening that she slid closer to Shay, finally drawing her thoughts to the present. It was here that she wished she had opted for a pair of woolen tights instead of her nylon stockings. Regardless, her cloche, scarf and gloves kept away the chill, along with the help of her pea coat. As the line moved forward, Vera slipped an arm around Shay’s elbow, clinging to him to share in his warmth. She glanced up at him, and smiled with warmth. Simply being in his company enraptured her. Her thoughts drifted back to when Tommy had called her into his office, the day she was released from Holloway, and informed her that she would be working with Shay on this mission. She thought of how they had faked, with a degree of ease, their relationship in Hobbs & Pollard, and even in Lady Evelyn’s Stitchery, not to mention their fantastic team work at The White Star. When the clerk behind the booth motioned for them, they stepped forward in unison, “Skates for two, please.” She chirped. “What size are your shoes, miss? And for you sir?” “A size 6 for me, if you have them.” She replied, watching as the clerk turned his back to them to retrieve her shoes. He placed them on the counter, and waited for Shay to answer. When he had, he fetched his own skates. “That’ll be two shillings.” He prompted. With that, Vera grinned wolfishly at Shay as she slid a florin to the clerk. She had to return the favor, or so she felt, for whatever reason, to make up for her bad behaviour from the days prior. With skates in hand, Shay and Vera made their way to a bench, where they sat down beside one another to lace up their skates. She pulled off her heels, and slid into the skates. When she finished lacing them up, she looked to Shay, where a ghost of a smile touched her lips. “Whenever you’re ready.”