[@Satoshi Kyou] "young?" He said, looking down at him a small, shrimpy and minuscule body that would easily explain the reasoning behind why he had been categorized as uncannily 'young' for this academy and it's general students. To him, it did not make sense. Perhaps most people inherently assumed he was the age he was based on him being at school at the senior level, but those were just his classmates. Perhaps up until now it just had not mattered what age he was and this was the first situation in a long time that caused him to think over this, yet still, he needed to respond. "I'm Eighteen" He responded a disheartened by his new acquaintance's words, as they reminded him that he was the runt of his family and would forever go down as a pipsqueak in the eyes of others. Regardless he merely shook his head and smiled again, as if shaking out all of the feelings of scorn and sadness, leaving him nothing but pleasant thoughts. He went to work on returning the conversation back to her, as he was hoping to get some insight on who she was. Rather than awkwardly asking her about who she was, he decided it would be better to find out through context. "Well for starting out, you are doing great! Your deck is structured, and the way you used your cards was like a pro. Even if you lost you showed you're not a bad Duelist. It looked like your deck was filled with sweets, I had never seen that before"