Lily raised an eyebrow quizzically when someone actually fished out a deck of cards. “Really? I was actually kidding, I didn’t think anybody really had one,” she said. She looked at the cards, then shrugged. It was better than doing nothing. She picked up the pack and opened it. “You know how to play Crazy Eights?” she asked the girl who’d given her the cards. She looked into the pack and groaned. About half of the cards were missing for some reason. “Well, that’s lovely. Never mind.” She showed the half-empty pack to the girl. “Who does this?” She closed the pack and started absentmindedly throwing it up into the air and catching it. She played catch with herself in silence for a moment before breaking the ice. “So, where you from?” she asked the girl who’d fished out the cards. She couldn’t place her accent. Australian, maybe?