Dremmick landed and noticed that he couldn't move, guessing that Morgan tethered him when he was tackled. He sighed and noticed he was wet on his side from a wound. A little perplexed that he didn't stop it before he sealed it so that it would stop bleeding. "You DO know, the whole thing about interrogation, is to be intimidating, right?" "Yes, but, weren't you getting a little [i]too[/i] intimidating? I mean look, you put her into the fetal position," Terra replied. "Though, I can't say she didn't bring it on herself. Though I will be coming back to you later, Dremmick." Terra stepped from behind Ris around to the woman and leaned over. "I assume you are quite done and would like to answer some of our questions?" Dremmick just shook his head and sat up, noticing that he still couldn't stand up due to being bound.