[@Satoshi Kyou][@manapool1] As Carnel scanned the surroundings for interesting Duels, a clapping sound caught his attention. Turning his head toward the direction of the sound, Carnel spotted a small kid running toward them, clapping enthusiastically. Carnel let Rumi interact with him first, silently wondering why there were so many people around that looked like little kids. He was sure he didn't enter an elementary school. Carnel then confirmed it when the two revealed their ages, though his next question was why they looked so small and young when they were meant to be older than their appearance suggested. Responding to Rumi's question, Carnel answered, "[color=f7976a]My name is Carnel, and before you ask me about my age, I am 19 years old. Regardless, it is a pleasure to have Dueled with you, Rumi.[/color]" Turning to the newcomer, Carnel asked, "[color=f7976a]Now then, what is your name, sir?[/color]"