[center][h3]Melody Baker Tyler[/h3][/center][hr]Name: "Ty" Age: 38 Description: Ty is a stocky woman. She's not overweight but she isn't skinny either. Most of her mass is muscle. She stands at five foot six. She has black eyes and a pale complexion. She wears her hair long and braided. She abhors makeup and prefers to leave her [i]natural[/i] beauty untouched. And Ty is quite a looker for someone her size. Though not a lot of people notice because of her weight. Because she's not stick thin they label her a ugly. Ty isn't the most fashionable of women. Sure, she doesn't mind dressing up in a dress for a fancy occasion. But most of the time she just wears jeans and band t-shirts. Personality: Ty is a easy going woman. She's friendly and easy to get along with. Even if she's mad at you she'll still be pleasant. Sometimes it's hard to know when she's angry because she'll still smile and maintain a calm demeanor. Aside from that Ty has a very low tolerance for crap. She wont hesitate to call you out on it. Nor will she baby you. She's a mother of three and she ain't your mom. Background: Ty grew up with her mother. She never knew her father. As a single mother Ty's mom did quite well. She tried to support her child as best as she could. They lived in a rural town in what best could be described as a shack. The roof leaked and there was no hot water, but it was home. Growing up Ty was teased because of her poor upbringing. She ended up in a lot of fights and ended up getting expelled from High School. She got her GED shortly after that and ended up working odd jobs around the world. She meet her husband, Carl, in Mexico. The two of them fell quickly in love and married after five months of dating. All together the couple had three children, all girls. The oldest, Kenya, is nineteen and just entering her first year of college. The middle girl, Sierra, is sixteen and infatuated with [i]David[/i]. The youngest is "Cissy" and just turned fourteen. After Ty's first child was born she and Carlos decided it would be best if they settled down for their child. However it became quickly apparent that Ty's "Itchy Feet" were never going to let her be happy in one town. Together they agreed that Carlos would stay home with the kids and Ty would support them. Her most current job is being a long haul truck driver. Skills: Knowledge of the main routes across the country, a shotgun and knowledge how to use it and a truck. Motivation: Ty's going home to her family.