[h3]---A Clearing Beside A Steep Base of a Cliff---[/h3] -[@Eisenhorn], [@Apollosarcher], [@Delta44] & [@Polaris North] (AZR)- The Gleivnir Warrior noticed the Arcthunder strike coming and had evaded it. The entire Gleivnir force shifted their attentions at the newcomers who had come to the defense of King [u]Azure[/u] and the girl he is protecting. Also, the King's identity had been firmly confirmed which sparked doubt and confusion amongst the Footmen. With sweat sliding down his face, the Gleivnir Warrior was a bit intimidated but it was quickly replaced with rage when the newcomers offered more sensible ways of resolving the situation. "[color=aba000]NO![/color]" He cried. "[color=aba000]You don't understand! If she doesn't pay now, she will never, ever pay for what she has done![/color]" His voice indicated that he had no intention that this encounter would end peacefully. "[color=aba000]Attack! CHAAARGE![/color]" The Footmen broke out of their confusion and just followed their order, not bothering to learn more about the situation. [u]Ansgar[/u], [u]Zueche[/u] and [u]Mayhew[/u] all had three Footmen on them, their swords eager to draw blood. They may be just Footmen but they still had numbers. The rest of the Footmen turned their attentions to somewhere else. To another group that had engaged them from behind. People knowledgeable of Concilium politics would recognize one of them to be Prince Jarde. The prince of Ereb who has a black streak on his brown hair. Meanwhile, the Gleivnir Warrior charged [u]Azure[/u] but then tossed his axe at the King, forcing him to either evade it or catch it. The Gleivnir Warrior tackled the girl to the ground and put his hands around her neck to choke her to death. "[color=aba000]I will pay any price to see your retribution![/color]" -[@ToadRopes], [@cloudystar], [@Darkmoon Angel], [@Lady Athena] & [@Polaris North] (MNO)- [quote=Taka]"Lord, you want me to cut off their escape routes and if anything...take one for ourselves in case more approach? I can definitely sneak around and go do so since we haven't gotten their attention yet but I'm definitely going to need Tomoe or swor~...Eclisse to aid me in case any soldiers come after me. Don't worry, I'll have a good point to take a few shots if they're needed, after all...I won't miss. Just look for an arrow in the sky in case I can confirm that I secured an escape route...two arrows in the case that we're getting swarmed by some random brigade of sorts. If you don't mind me doing so of course."[/quote] "You don't need to do that, [u]Taka[/u]." Jarde replied. "Though, I do agree that if fighting breaks out, we should keep one alive and ask him what exactly is going on. Preferably that Gleivnir Warrior as he is the one leading this group and probably the one who knows the most." [quote=Nyx]"I suggest we let King... Azure, was it? Fight on his own... But save the girl with him. I have a feeling the girl was kidnapped by that man!"[/quote] Merilia looked at [u]Nyx[/u] incredulously. "[color=red]Wha? How dare you accuse the King of Archanea like that?[/color]" She began to scold the Manakete. "[color=red]King Azure is an honorable and good man who has no reason to kidnap a girl.[/color]" "[color=00aeef]But...[/color]" Keerin interjected. "[color=00aeef]We should not rule out the possibility that there might be more to this than we know.[/color]" Suddenly, the Gleivnir Warrior yelled. "[color=aba000]Attack! CHAAARGE![/color]" The Gleivnir unit charged at the King Azure and the newcomers. Merilia could only gasp while Jarde brandished his sword. "Merilia, [u]Tomoe[/u], [u]Eclisse[/u]. I want you with me and take some Footmen off King Azure. Keerin, [u]Taka[/u]. I want you two to stay back and pick off as many Footmen as you two can. [u]Myno[/u] and [u]Nyx[/u], I won't force you two to fight as you are both exhausted from our last battle but if you want, assist us in fighting the Footmen." "Understood? Now then, let's go!" Prince Jarde, along with Merilia, charged into the Footmen group and with a battle cry, caught the attention of several Footmen who shifted their attentions from King Azure's group to Jarde's party. Meanwhile, Keerin has begun casting a spell to wreak havoc upon the Gleivs. However, there were some Footmen on Azure's group with the Gleivnir Warrior tackling the green-haired girl to the ground.