[color=0072bc][h3][center]King Azure[/center][/h3][/color] Azure clicked his tongue. What exactly was this Warrior doing? He kept on saying that the girl behind him had to pay as if she's done something extremely wrong. He doesn't get it. Why? Why was he after her? If only the man would talk about it, then Azure would simply be able to do a proper investigation and trial. However, it would seem that the Gleivnir Warrior was too focused on bringing justice on his own hands. The order echoed around and the sound of fighting broke out. The black haired male's eyes widened when the Warrior threw his axe at him and he made the decision to dodge to the right. He raised his sword, fully expecting for him to be tackled. But the Warrior dashed, not towards him, but towards the girl behind him. He let out a curse under his breath and prepared to tackle the Warrior off. However, his eyes managed to see that the footmen had decided that attacking the others was a bright idea. They might get overwhelmed but he placed enough trust on those soldiers so Azure turned back to the Warrior to now see him choking the girl. [color=0072bc]"Pick on someone your own size!"[/color] He yelled before running towards them and then used the momentum to kick the Warrior off. If that didn't work, he would drive his sword through him but without much force behind it so it wouldn't pierce he guy and stab the girl too; it also gave him the chance to stop the sword if the Warrior was to ever dodge it. [color=ed1c24][h3][center]Myno[/center][/h3][/color] Myno looked at Nyx as she suggested that maybe King Azure was actually her captor. He let out a small chuckle as Merilia and Keerin both put forth their ideas. [color=ed1c24]"Must you two be always on opposing sides?"[/color] He asked before flinching as he heard the Gleivnir Warrior order an attack. He managed to spare a glance to see the Warrior strangling the girl that had been cowering behind Azure. He nudged Nyx and then said, [color=ed1c24]"So much for King Azure being the captor and these Gleivs being her rescuer."[/color] He then looked at Jarde barked out orders. True, his body still ached from the earlier damage and he was pretty tired. He wasn't sure if he would be able to access his full power. [color=ed1c24]"I will certainly try."[/color] Myno replied and then watched as they all charged. He looked at his dragonstone and then took a deep breath. Another bright light flashed and then he appeared as the same yellow dragon from earlier. He then would attempt to swipe the soldiers away.