[center][color=#d3381c][h3]~Claire Blackwood~[/h3][/color][/center] [@PlatinumSkink] [hider=Current Team] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/ralts.gif[/img] Ralia, Ralts Level: 7 Status: A bit roughed up, but otherwise fine. [img]http://www.pokewiki.de/images/a/a0/Pok%C3%A9monsprite_165_Platin.png[/img] Ritz, Ledyba Level 5 Status: Should probably get healed. [/hider] [hider=Inventory] 1500$ Potion x1 Antidote x1 pokeball x4[/hider] [hr] [color=#d3381c]"Ouch, wound my pride why don't you."[/color] Claire chuckled quietly to herself as the Combee didn't seem to agree to her little offer. Welp, looks like they were doing this the hard way. She wasn't about to pass up this opportunity - there was no telling if she'd get another chance like this, so she was doing it. She didn't like being this confrontational buuuuut, welp, combee was adorable and she wanted a Vespiquen. [color=#d3381c]"Alright Ralia, we're doin' this the hard way again!"[/color] At least they had an excellent opportunity for a sneak attack here since it had turned her back to them. [color=#d3381c]"Hit 'em with a confusion followed by a double team!"[/color] Now, all they had to do was weaken it a bit then chunk a pokeball at her and they could move onto getting a Weedle. Easy enough...nothing at all could go wrong, could it? [color=00a651]"Ralts!~"[/color] With a happy, confident cry Ralia focused its psychic abilities on the Combee, hopefully before it could retreat.