Now that he was watching, Souta discovered that Lily kept her thought process somewhat less hidden than most. Following his acceptance of her questioning, she remained silent for a moment, then shook her head for what Souta could only assume was no reason. He did suspect, though, that her gesture might be the rather human response to trying to sort through conflicting or troublesome thoughts. Then she stepped closer, obliging him to stop considering such things. Her eyes troubled him: their luster made them look like precious stones, and their owner a being even more unreal and enchanting. However, he could still remember her draconic rage, the fire and scales, and the visage of a demon, and the knowledge that they his behind those eyes kept him focused. Lily voiced her question, and Souta breathed a sigh. It would have been easy to get angsty, but that seldom solved anything, and a simple answer to the simple question did exist. The smith frowned and replied, [color=teal]”I didn't know what I was getting myself into and I didn't have a choice to return once I did. A watcher popped up in front of me, and I didn't know what to do. From there, I was carried on by the current. Now I'm here because the Council thinks I must be useful, I guess. Can't say I blame them. The only staff they have are the shadow-assholes and that loon in the library. Guess they thought all their peacekeepers would need someone to tend to their weapons.”[/color] He shrugged. [color=teal]”That's about it. If the Council were to let me go, I'd be out of this place before my hammer hit the floor. I'm not cut out for this crap. Any moment I could end up like that little demon girl, and I expect I'd be forgotten just as quickly.”[/color] Not that he was feeling sorry for himself, or anything.