The notes were extensive, to say the least; The heavy binder was full to nearly bursting with data sheets, observation reports and even full anatomical reports on each and every species that had been bred in Jurassic Park, and the later Jurassic World. No detail was deemed to small in the reports, and that was just the way Claude O'Malley liked it. They had been one of his first requests when he'd agreed to the job, and he'd even insisted on contacting Roland Tembo about the White hunter's experience dealing with the animals in the wild on Isla Sorna. Luckily, from what Masarni had told him, it seemed they had been had at least the common sense to not breed many predatory species. That was some small comfort, going into an alien enviorment full of animals that should have been dead for millions of years. Almost immediately Claude had decided that he didn't care much for his Costa Rican escorts. These military men had little patience, and they practically drove through the locals to get to the docks as quickly as possible. He did get on well with the Masrani represenative, though; Tall, wirey and pushing 60, Mr. Calhoun was polite and professional, and provided everything that Claude had needed to acquaint himself with his quarry. The man had once been InGen's CLO, hired by Masrani for his experience in dealing with the old company's Japanese investors, and had been instrumental in securing the funds to get Jurassic World on track, and for helping to quell the outrage of its' detractors who still remembered the destruction caused in Los Angeles by InGen's attempt to restart their project in 1999. "We can't thank you enough for this, Mr. O'Malley" Calhoun said, shifting papers from his own thick stack as he tried to make himself more comfortable in the jeep. "Your payment's just been confirmed. All that's left is to tend to this...nasty business." Claude nodded shortly, looking out the window at the dock. Already a few people were gathered, men loading supplies onto a ferry while another smoked beside his limo; Middle-Eastern, late thirties, carrying himself like a soldier. Another jeep was there as well, and a young White woman stepped out, surrounded by law-enforment. As they pulled to a stop beside the other jeep, he noticed Calhoun's face melt into a scowl when he saw the blonde, and as they stepped out he glared at the woman the entire time. It wasn't his business, though, and unless it was going to affect the mission, he wouldn't ask. "Meryl." Calhoun said with barely concealed contempt. "How's Dodgson these days?" The was no doubt as to who he meant. Lewis Dodgson was well known in the genetic engineering circles as one of the most ambitious, and reckless, men in the field, and he was currently in hiding from the FBI. During his employment with Biosyn he'd been implicated in extensive corporate espionage against InGen in the late 80s and early 90s, and then against Masrani when they'd first started the Jurassic Park project back up. The lawyer continued his cold glare for a long moment before he nodded over to Claude. "This is Mr. Claude O'Malley, he'll be your field guide for this mission. If he tells you to do something in the wild, I'd advise you follow his orders to the letter."