The twins had managed to beat their opponent into submission, there was nothing else they could do without outright killing the guy; however, after the blasts in the centre of the city it was probably very difficult to justify the continued fighting when it was inevitable that their opponent had already lost. Without their commanders they were as good as abandoned and might as well just give up or fully retreat. It wasn’t all easy though, they had received their fair share of the beating but were still able to move and would find treatment later. They were pure-blooded Saiyans, a little pain wasn’t going to stop them. There were other concerns that wasn’t their state of being and whether there was more enemies, though. The battle in the city had been at full rage and parts of the city was being destroyed by beams that sucked the colour out of the sky that gave off an odd heat, certainly an attack someone like Viral would do. It was a little disturbing to say the least, he was taking out large chunks of the city too. They had to get down there and see what was going on as soon as possible, it was definitely pretty awful watching it from afar. With their own battle over they abandoned the beaten unconscious warrior, racing over as fast as they were able to manage to the battlefield with Kabocha close by. They probably should’ve kept their distance, it was probably a bad idea to go to the source of the beams and soon enough they were told loud and clear that it was definitely a bad decision. An explosion was going off, a Ki explosion specifically being used in what seemed to be a last resort. They were going to get caught in the explosion, or so they would’ve if it wasn’t being forcefully contained by what looked like a shield of some sorts. The shield contained the explosion just by a margin, but sure enough the shield ended up popping and a strong shockwave followed causing them to spin briefly in the air before catching themselves. Whatever that was hopefully spelled the end of the battle, but something wasn’t right. As they all made it to ground zero the trail of dust and blood was probably the most notable thing after the shockwave and probably the most alarming, especially when one of their own was nowhere in sight after that. Kabocha went down to see to Yumi who seemed to be struggling to get somewhere, but once Leto arrived and spotted what was wrong it became obvious that behind the pile lay one of their own rather than a Saiyan crony. This was bad, they were all the way out on their own and would have to call out for help and wait for it to arrive from somewhere, probably up in the atmosphere still. Seeing that it was Viral was even worse too, he was supposed to be incredibly durable but here he was looking like he was on the verge of death. Choi was especially worried, his attention being mostly on Yumi as she was helped over by Kabocha. They didn’t have supplies, they couldn’t transfer Ki either since the commander couldn’t harness it in the first place. Watching Kabocha rush off they remained, knowing they weren’t as fast as Kabocha was when it came to flight. Looking between each other briefly Choi soon began to remove what was left of his armour and shirt, handing it to Yumi since she probably would panic if she couldn’t find more cloth to bind his wounds. Viral was in quite the state, his body only just managing to hold itself together after such an explosion. He had used as much of his energy as he possibly could to prevent that blast from expanding while trying to keep his defences high, but it wasn’t enough. His body was completely limp as he bled from open wounds, his nose and mouth appearing as if he might already be gone; thankfully, his laboured breathing said otherwise. Staring out into nothing he heard nothing but a bass noise as things were shifted and voices spoke out, his senses failing him and causing him to remain unresponsive. Everything was dark, he was feeling cold and the pain everywhere was growing numb. He had managed to prevent the explosion, but he had ruined himself and had now placed himself in a critical state. Everything felt lost to him, at least until he could make out the voices near him. One was Yumi, the others were too far away for him to be able to hear properly. It was starting to come back to him somewhat now, he just couldn’t make much sense of it. He could feel her touching his wounds, trying to hastily tend to him. He didn’t think she would be conscious, in fact he didn’t actually know how much time had passed since the explosion. Hearing her voice again but with a lot of distortion he soon watched as the dark slowly faded, the sight of the ground and his blood starting to come to but his field of view remaining minimal. “…I…still live…” he muttered, finding it difficult to talk, “I-I can’t…see much…” It felt like his lungs had been punctured or his ribcage had broken, or maybe it was the blood that was sullying his breathing. He knew he was pretty broken, but he couldn’t tell to what extent or even if he was going to be able to last. “Y-Yumi I-…sorry…I was reckless…”