[quote=@Queen Tomato] The demon to human ratio should be not even close to equal, in my opinion. My impression of this roleplay when I expressed interest wasn't [i]"Demon Adventures: And Humans Tag Along Too"[/i], it was that we would have a mixed cast of races that would each bring something unique to the table and we would use our combined skills to overcome a far superior foe. But what do I know? I am just a humble tomato, after all. Squish. [/quote] Out of the total cast we have there is one confirmed demon and two pending. Over all that would make a ratio of about 3 to 6, if we include the dead demon then it is about 4(1 confirmed demon, two pending, one dead) to 6. I do not want half of them to be demons either, but the ratio isn't that bad at the moment. also tomato you need to put your cs in the cs tab when your ready it was accepted.