[hider=Hyūga Mitsuko] [center] [b][h1]M I T S U K O[/h1][/b] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/2033/174166ea1dd335002d745d7a7d0ada1ece1a89ae.jpg?2120356[/img] [b]“Are you hurt?”[/b][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/TMbw86q.png?1[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]NAME[/b] [indent][color=gray]Hyūga Mitsuko[/color][/indent] [b]ALIAS[/b] [indent][color=gray]None[/color][/indent] [b]GENDER[/b] [indent][color=gray]Female[/color][/indent] [b]AGE[/b] [indent][color=gray]11[/color][/indent] [b]ORIGIN[/b] [indent][color=gray]Konohagakure[/color][/indent] [b]RANK[/b] [indent][color=gray]Genin[/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QGxTMQi.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Mitsuko is a girl of slight build, a mere four foot four inches in height and thinner than many of her contemporaries. Her child-like face, usually sporting a kind, if somewhat nervous expression, is framed by strands of rich mahogany hair. Silky and flowing like most of her kin, the dark mop upon her head twists and curls into unruly waves the farther out it grows, only styled enough to keep it presentable to the public eye. Its color contrasts quite abruptly with the alabaster tone that is her skin, only a few shades warmer than the pair of featureless silver hues that are her eyes. It is marred by nary a scar or blemish, with the exception of her clan’s distinctive jūinjutsu, whose teal lines cut an abrasive path across her forehead and mark her for what she is. Her wardrobe is fitting for one of her station. Long-sleeved tunics of silk in a range of muted colors worn over tighter, darker sleeveless shirts cover her upper body and allow her the mobility required to perform her duties without compromising the elegance of her clan, nor violate the modesty of the branch family. Longer, baggier trousers of a hakama styling keep her legs covered and keep with the theme of flowing, movement encouraging clothing. They are held up by sashes black or brown in coloration, which also serve as the anchoring point for the various holsters, pouches and satchels that hold her gear. Gauze wraps around her ankles and open toed, black shoes round out her humdrum attire fittingly, generic and utilitarian as the rest.[/color][/indent] [b]PERSONALITY & MOTIVATIONS[/b] [indent][color=gray]Shy, meek, withdrawn. These words can all be used to draw initial conclusions to whom Mitsuko is. A quiet wallflower, fit to be seen and not heard by her peers and elders alike. In many ways, these assumptions are true. If there was to be an outgoing part of whom she is, Mitsuko has long since had this part of her stifled by the strings of fate, molded instead to passivity and inaction within the social sphere. Yet, this tendency towards non-expression is not born of disinterest in others. Mitsuko is, at her core, a sweet and empathetic girl. She would simply much rather listen to the boasts and woes of others than voice her own to them. Nurturing to a fault, the girl often finds herself fussing over the very few individuals whom she considers friends, as to strike up a relationship with one such as she is a deed of great charity, and ensures they are treasured dearly by her. It isn't hard to make the jump from there that Mitsuko lacks not only for assertiveness, but for confidence as well. Whilst she does not loathe herself, she views herself, and by proxy her actions and accomplishments, as lesser. This is in many ways a learned behavior as much as it is twisted modesty, as part of her upbringing has taught her that her life is to be dedicated in service to her betters. It causes her no great deal of angst or suffering to accept this position, and often she relishes in the opportunity to afford others a place in the limelight, giving up any glory she may attain by purposefully tapering her performances below the expected output of her companions. It may be here that one of her most noted flaws stands; to be charitable is something to strive for, but Mitsuko is the type of soul to give and give even at her own expense. To light herself ablaze to keep others warm, as the saying goes. Her dreams and ambitions therefore lay not in achieving a position of great power or prestige within the village, but in finding her purpose by assisting others. Her disdain for causing others pain and undue suffering, whilst counterproductive to the path a kuniochi must walk, when combined with her natural inclination to nurture, has led her into the earliest stages of medical specialization. If she were to place a singular goal down for herself to achieve, it would simply be to reach a suitable mastery in the fields of medicine to do the clan of Hyūga proud, and provide her generous benefactors a useful tool for the burdens she brings them by way of existing. [/color][/indent] [b]CLAN HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]A rough or detailed recent history of your dynastic clan. For world-building.[/color][/indent] [b]PERSONAL HISTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]Mitsuko was born with either the fortune, or misfortune depending upon one’s world view, to the Hyūga clan just over a decade ago. Her parents, two fairly unimportant members of the clan’s lowest and most numerous cast, sealed her fate from the moment she drew breath in the world. She was bound by the threads of fate to serve, not lead, regardless of what path she may have chose to walk in her later years. When she was merely two years of age, barely old enough to toddle at her mother's side, the seal of the caged bird found purchase upon her forehead like so many others. The clan watched on as another generation, the first to be free of war in decades, was turned to chattel. Yet time moved forward as usual. It would be a lie to say that her life in the earliest years she can remember was remarkable in any way. She played and learned as children did, isolated far from her betters and kept among the others who had received her marking, totally unaware of the scorn levied upon her from the highest echelons of the clan’s insular society. By way of her parents she was taught the rich traditions of their people, as well as the expectations that she would conform to as one so lucky to be blessed by her lineage. Originally, she had no intentions of becoming a member of the greater village’s military. Indeed, she had only the foggiest ideas of what ninjahood was, learned in passing from adults and teens alike returning to the branch quarters after missions. Fate worked in mysterious ways, however, and it was around the age of six that the seeds would plant themselves in her mind. By then she had asked of her father what exactly his job as a shinobi entailed, with a rather harsh rebuke following suit that soured her to the very idea. Even without it, the concept of purposefully harming others was abhorrent to the youngling and her nativity to the world. But visit by the main branch made to change that impression. Normally, when the main branch arrived in all their splendor, for whatever reason, Mitsuko would be squared away by her mother to toil on some chore or another, kept out of sight and out of mind of her superiors, to watch from a distance if she was so bold as they did their business in her corner of the world. This time was different. The oldest child of the clan's patriarch had personally come to the glorified servant district herself for one reason or another, and along the way stumbled upon the bashful child in the midst of the chaos surrounding her arrival. Though the poor girl could barely squeak out replies in her shyness, the heiress spoke kind words to her, asking if she had intentions to also pursue a career in the ways of the kuniochi. Her honest response was met not by the praise she expected for her humbleness, but instead by knowledge. To be a ninja meant not for one to only harm, but to help others as well. Medical ninjutsu, she was told it was called, a subset of the broader tree that was fitting for somebody sweet as she. By the time this woman left, Mitsuko had her interest piqued and her wilted confidence stoked to a dull roar. Experience told her she would be punished for being so audacious as to speak with such a venerated soul. To her surprise, in the later hours of that fateful day, she was not. Instead her parents sat her down in their humble kitchen and gave her the option; she could carry on her life as it was now, or enroll into the ninja academy and begin evening training sessions with her father to learn the clan’s signature style. Head swimming in fantasies of grandeur brought on by the gentle encouraging of the clan’s heir, she chose the latter. So excited was she that even her keen eyes could not see the disdain on their faces. The next several years proved aptitude if nothing else. Mitsuko did well enough on her entrance examination to be accepted immediately into the academy, with stern lectures and rigorous training exercises in the dusk hours by her sire keeping her sharper than most if her less lucky classmates, whilst the same modesty instilled by them kept her in the average marking group. She spent many of her days with a nose buried in scrolls and books, literature she had access to in the schools that she could not hope to own at home. A target for bullies who sniffed out those who would not fight back, Mitsuko was spurned from taking the initiative on matters social, earning only a few cherished friends over her many years in the academy. Passing the final examination was of no great difficulty for her, an expectation that she could not bear to fail in proving right if anything. Now she awaits, with nervous excitement in her belly, to step forward into the ninja world and make proud those few who encouraged her to walk the path.[/color][/indent] [b]INFLUENCE & RELATIONS[/b] [indent][color=gray][hider=Family][b]Hyūga, Hideyoshi:[/b] A man of stern face and strict morals, Hideyoshi is Mitsuko's father. He has spent the majority of the young girl's life as a steady and uncompromising presence that ensured she learned the importance of discipline and loyalty to the clan, especially with their position as branch members. Mitsuko does not harbor a particularly close relationship with her dour patriarch, but still loves him and understands that circumstances of fate shape his behaviour. [b]Hyūga, Saya:[/b] Yielding and soft spoken, Says is Mitsuko's mother and a far cry from her husband. She is a caring and empathetic woman who treasures her child. It is Saya's subtle sweetness that perhaps is the most palpable inherited trait that Mitsuko possesses. She has been supportive of the path her daughter walks since her first days, and as such, she holds the place as Mitsuko's closest confidant. [b]Hyūga, Tsugumi:[/b] [b]Hyūga, Nazo:[/b][/hider] [hider=Comrades][b]Kagetsu, Kitanai:[/b] [b]Ryūga, Tsume:[/b] [b]Iburi, Kodo:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Peers & Friends][b]Murakumo, Mikoto:[/b] [b]Uchiha, Ria:[/b] [b]Himura, Rei:[/b] [B]Matsudaira, Kiri:[/b] [b]Sarutobi, Genji:[/b] [b]Namikaze, Fukushu:[/b] [b]Sarutobi, Kenjiro:[/b] [b]Uzumaki, Kiyoshi:[/b] [b]Uchiha, Tensai:[/b] [b]Hatake, Shunpei:[/b] [b]Haruno, Ren:[/b] [/hider] [/color][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cKKkxGL.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b]CHAKRA NATURE[/b] [indent][color=gray]Wind[/color][/indent] [b]SPECIAL TRAITS[/b] [indent][color=gray][u]Byakugan:[/u] Contrary to popular belief, Mitsuko possesses a potent mastery of the Byakugan for somebody of her age and pedigree. She is capable of seeing up to 40 meters in a 360° sphere around her, accurately pinpoint tenketsu along a target's chakra network, seeing through obstacles which would blind lesser kekkei genkai and tracking fast moving objects with heightened visual focus. Her skill with the Byakugan allows her to hold the dojutsu for long periods of time without succumbing to physical exhaustion, but extensive usage still strains her eyes. [u]Chakra Control:[/u] The Hyūga clan is renown for the control their shinobi hold over chakra. Mitsuko is certainly no exception to this piece of lore. Her chakra control is considered exceptionally precise for even a shinobi of the landmark clan. This allows her to ration out her chakra with next to no waste in performing whatever technique she so chooses, as well as contribute to the effectiveness of her Gentle Fist strikes.[/color][/indent] [b]FOCUS & SKILLS[/b] [indent][color=gray]As a scion of the Hyūga, it is no surprise that Mitsuko is well versed in the field of taijutsu. She has a working knowledge of the clan's trademark Gentle Fist style, which she uses exclusively during engagements. Boasting an impressive mastery over both her chakra and the Byakugan for her age, she is capable of accurately targeting and closing the tenketsu of her opponent, leading to the disruption of their ability to mould chakra and the disabling of the body parts associated with each tenketsu. The debilitating nature of even light strikes using her clan's style has lead Mitsuko to focus the majority of her training on the speed of her attacks over their overall strength, and the reflexes required to successfully land them over endurance. She is quite successful in this regard, among one of the quickest in her generation, although her fragility is noted. With a keen interest in medicine, Mitsuko has dedicated the majority of her studies to the arts of healing. While her inexperience prevents her from performing any actual medical ninjutsu, she is more than capable of providing first aid to herself and her contemporaries to stabilize them until more thorough care can be provided. Her memorization of human anatomy, in conjunction with her Byakugan, allows her to more accurately understand how the physiology of the body is intertwined with the chakra network. As a result, her Gentle Fist strikes tend to assail the nervous system more harshly than one would expect of a novice.[/color][/indent] [b]EQUIPMENT & INVENTORY[/b] [indent][color=gray]Mitsuko arms herself with the basics one would expect of a shinobi. Kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs and explosive tags all make an appearance among her personal armoury, kept both in her hip pouch and a variety of holsters. She also carries a medical kit on her hip, stocked with the supplies required for an aspiring field medic to provide aid. [/color][/indent] [b]JUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray] [hider=S Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=A Rank]N/A[/hider] [hider=B Rank][/hider] [hider=C Rank]Gentle Fist Art: Gentle Step Pain Alleviation Technique[/hider] [hider=D Rank] [URL=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Fist_Art_One_Blow_Body]Gentle Fist Art: One Blow Body[/url] [Url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Palm_Bottom]Palm Bottom[/URL] [/hider] [hider=E Rank][url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/E-rank]Academy Techniques[/url][/hider][/color][/indent] [b]CUSTOM JUTSU[/b] [indent][color=gray] [hider=Pain Alleviation Technique][b][u]Name[/u][/b] Pain Alleviation Technique [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] C [b][u]Range[/u][/b] Close-Long [b][u]Description[/u][/b] A genjutsu primarily devised to aid in giving medical assistance. By disrupting their flow of chakra, the user manipulates the affected person's sense of touch. Pain signals to the brain are scrambled, leaving the target unable to feel even the most agonizing of wounds and operations. This allows the medical ninja to do their work unhindered without anaesthesia.[/hider] [hider=Gentle Fist Art: Gentle Step][b][u]Name[/u][/b] Gentle Fist Art: Gentle Step [b][u]Rank[/u][/b] C [b][u]Range[/u][/b] Close [b][u]Description[/u][/b] Utilizing the Hyūga clan's innate ability to expel chakra from all of their tenketsu at will, the user builds up chakra in a singular point along their chakra network. They then release this chakra in a quick burst, usually from the feet, to rapidly accelerate in the chosen direction. The versatility of the technique is immense, with usages ranging from mid-air repositioning to rapid limb movement.[/hider] [/color][/indent][/hider]