[hider= Arthur] [center][hider=Arthur (everyday)][img]http://img00.deviantart.net/5290/i/2013/119/3/0/saunders_portrait___pencil_drawing_by_oomizuao-d63gcji.jpg[/img][/hider][hider=Arthur ("On the Job")][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/cde3/f/2011/180/2/9/plague_doctor_by_pickledance-d3kije3.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=82ca9d]"Kill your mark ten minutes before they know they have died, lets them think they have a chance"[/color] [i][h3][color=82ca9d]Name[/color][/h3] Doctor Arthur Molian (or Doc for short) [h3][color=82ca9d]Group[/color][/h3] Belladonna [h3][color=82ca9d]Position in group [/color][/h3] Head [h3][color=82ca9d]Codename[/color][/h3] Aconitum [h3][color=82ca9d]Age[/color][/h3] 30 something [h3][color=82ca9d]Appearance[/color][/h3] Outwardly Arthur seems non-assuming and downright friendly, often wearing a smile, or at the very least a grin. His hair is longer and usually unkempt, its light brown having next to no grey intruders, and often being kept in a ponytail to keep it out of his face (if he can muster up the will or energy). When pulled back like this one can notice the double piercings on both of his ears, that usually contain small steel grey earrings. His facial hair seems more well taken care of and appears a shade darker than his hair. His skin is often smudged with dirt from his time spent working in the city's gardens. When killing a mark, or when meeting with agents from the other groups, Arthur dons what he lovingly refers to as his "Work Attire". It consists of dark grey trousers and shirt, over which is fitted a tight, button up overcoat and gloves (both colored in a matte black). A brimmed hat and his mask (which is bone white, a blood red cloth falling from it to cover the rest of his face.) The entire ensemble is meant to inspire one thing. Fear, or at the very least upset nerves. [h3][color=82ca9d]Personality[/color][/h3] A sense of almost tired calm pervades most if not all of Arthur's personality. He rarely if ever raises his voice, preferring to make his point with actions rather than raised words. Attempts to get under Arthur's skin are usually met with an eerie stonewall, and the smile you would give someone digging their own grave. Like all leaders Arthur has his own share of ambition, but tends to play with his cards extremely close to his chest, keeping the ability to surprise with the smallest of actions. In the realm of assassination, Arthur has no qualms about who he kills a mark is a mark and money is money. Even members of other groups are fair game in this regard, though these contracts are always approached with the necessary caution. It is common knowledge in Belladonna that Arthur requires only two things from its members, secrecy and loyalty. If both these are kept then you are safe within Belladonna, free to rise and fall of your own merit. But break these two and you will ether be left by the wayside or removed as a problem. Permanently [h3][color=82ca9d]Background [/color][/h3] Born in the second district to middle class parents, Arthur's history at first glance seems almost painfully average. No arrests in his youth, nothing distinguishing himself from his classmates, nothing that would indicate that the young child would grow into the leader of the Belladonna. But dig a little deeper into the few files on Arthur and a different story begins to emerge, a hidden little story behind the veneer of plainness. A tail of school bullies falling ill after ingesting various, mildly poisonous, flowers. Of the notebooks filled with observations, accompanied by pressed flowers and pictures of their growing places. Of the rat population of Arthur's neighborhood taking a steep dive in his high school years. Of all of this stopping when he left for collage, where he majored in botany, earning his doctorate in his chosen field, before returning back to Match City. It is unclear if it was at this point that Arthur found his way into the line of work that lead him to where he is now, or if he worked in it before his departure and return. What is known is that after he came back the still younger assassin began to ramp up his operation, carving out a name for himself quickly. After a time he began to attract others to his side, at first only a small circle, then a small motley, then a full blown operation. Christening the group Belladonna, Arthur set about quietly solidifying their place among the city, carving away the competition in sector 1 in a subtle yet brutal campaign. As all this was going on Arthur, under the guise of his public face, lobbied and greased more than a couple palms for the renovation and expansion of the city parks and gardens. A project that he argued would help bring a new face to the city. Eventually the city agreed, and the famous parks and gardens of sector 1 were constructed, with Arthur himself taking up operation and management of a small garden. This garden is usually closed off from the public, but houses many large, well tended beds of poisonous flowers (probably why the public isn't allowed in, unless accompanied by Arthur or another of the workers) and an office where Arthur can most often be found. [h3][color=82ca9d]Leisure activities[/color][/h3] Arthur can be found most often working in the Cities gardens, tending to various flowers and plants of varying toxicity. [h3][color=82ca9d]Extra[/color][/h3] Arthur's skills could be called lacking when it comes to a stand up fight. As such he prefers to employ stealth and his broad array of toxins to ensure a kill. Often killing a target with the mark never even realizing that they were poisoned. His favored weapons are a poisoned filled syringe and several throwing weapons coated in poison (knives and needles mainly), though he will use other weapons if needed. Some say his lack of firearm plays into an eclectic taste of his, others because he finds guns to loud and imprecise (in reality its a combination of both). Arthur is intimately familiar with all poisons he uses and their effects. He does the same with any extract mixtures he uses. [/i] [/center] [/hider]