The walk to the school store was a bit more roundabout than Ayami would've liked, but on a day like today, that couldn't exactly be helped; with half a dozen duels clogging up the area, it was only to be expected that she'd have to weave her way through the crowd with Matt in a less-than-efficient manner. Honestly, it was pretty annoying, considering that she ended up having to walk around the long way just so she wouldn't get caught in any crossfire, but in the end nothing [i]particularly[/i] bad had come flying her way, so she could only hope that Matt had similar luck moving alongside her. The store was a bit more spacious than she had imagined it to be, especially with the variety of other stores packed into the area. It took the young woman a few moments of looking around to find her target, though, and she took the opportunity to motion to Matt to come check it out with her. Even from outside, she could see the displays lined up throughout the store, the cleanliness of which made her clap internally. "...I wonder how the shopkeeper is..." she mused out loud before entering. Hopefully it wasn't as crowded in here as it was outside... [@Eklispe]