[Spruce] I could have sworn I was fighting this thing, whatever it was, for hours now. At this point, 'Giratina' wasn't doing any damage to me, whatsoever, however, it seems that somehow, my healing from leech seed also stopped, as if to even that out. Due to the nature of this odd place, I couldn't tell whether it was daytime or nighttime. "So, Spruce, do you admit defeat? Will you simply allow me to kill you?" Giratina asked me. Odd, normally he would have just insisted that I admit defeat, and insisted that he should simply kill me, but, this time he actually asked. Certain that this was a dream, I replied with "No, I won't. This can't be real. I know it's a dream. I don't know why I was feeling pain, before, but since that stopped, I'm certain that it's a dream," apparently, that wasn't the response Giratina was looking for, as he attacked, again... but, I didn't feel any pain, as usual at this point. "Why do you not flinch?" Giratina asked, as if he was puzzled by the fact that I didn't feel pain, and I responded with "Easy, I know it's a dream, so nothing will hurt me," enraged, Giratina tried to attack me, yet again, but, just like last time, nothing happened. "You realize that you're destroying your own world by collecting those crystals, right?" Giratina asked me... he's been doing a lot of asking, lately, for some reason. "Maybe for now, but I'm sure that will fix itself once we put them in their proper place," I responded, with Giratina rebutting with "You TOOK them from their proper place! That's why your world is being destroyed!" I simply ignored him, remembering the time that I tried to return the void crystal to its supposed proper place, and nothing happening. [hr] [Anthony] After a dream where a kirlia, of all things, spoke to me only to tell me that I'm doing a great job, and that the town should be unfrozen soon, I awoke in the icy cavern... on rock, rather than ice. I then noticed that the area around where we all slept was melted, and a wall of fire seemed to prevent any wild pokemon from wandering near us, and attacking us while we slept. Daniel woke up shortly after I did, and once he saw the wall of fire, he simply said "Thank you, Reshiram," and he smiled towards the mass of white fluff off to my left. "Good morning, Daniel," I said to him, still somewhat tired after waking up... then again, ice and or rock wasn't exactly the best thing to sleep on, so my tiredness could just be from a bad night's rest. Reshiram woke up after that, and he gave out a roar that was... probably just supposed to be a yawn. Once everyone else woke up, he lowered the wall of fire, letting us continue on. Oddly enough, the floor was actually dry, despite the ice having supposedly melted... maybe Reshiram also evaporated the water when he raised that wall of fire. I simply continued onward, finally being able to move for a while without slipping, and getting flung to the next wall... however, that traction didn't last, as the ice seemed to continue just outside of the flame wall, and, just as I thought, the moment I tried to move onto the ice, I slipped, and slid all the way to the wall, and next to a wild pokemon, this time, though, it was just a single rockruff. [hr] [Nina] The morning seemed to come almost instantly, and I didn't even notice that I slept until Rebecca came into the room with breakfast plates. "Did I sleep in...? I don't... normally sleep in..." I tried my best to say while I was still drowsy. Rebecca then asked if we wanted some extra sleep, but then I noticed that she had some chesto berries, also known as 'substitute sleep' for some pokemon. I tried to grab one, but I messed up, and fell on my face, and fell asleep, again, after that. After waking up a second time, I finally had the energy to pick up the berry, and eat it, the berry instantly waking me up, as it usually does. The berry was oddly warm for having to sit on that plate for who knows how long, and its effects were apparent when I finally decided to answer Rebecca's question with "NopeI'mfinelet'sgowhoneedsstrategyanyways!?" and, in a rush, I ran out of the room, and towards the coffee shop where the bronzor was sitting, er, floating on the same seat as last night. He was also asleep... did he just fall asleep there, on that stool? If so, then why? "Uh... sir?" I asked him, the chesto berry's effects finally having worn off, somewhat. He responded by snoring, prompting me to try to shake him awake... that didn't go so well, as that had him, still asleep, use confusion on me, making the room spin around. At this time, I could make out the vague shapes of my other teammates, but I knew better than to try to talk while I was confused. [hr] [Bonnie] After a good night's sleep, I woke up, happier than ever. I don't know why I was feeling so good that day, but that helped motivate me to get up early, and get the rest of the team's breakfast. Strangely enough, I was even first in line, and had to wait a little bit for the chef to wake up, and make a few meals. "Up bright and early today, are we?" the chef, a chimecho, nearly sung as he prepared the food. "Yup, don't know why, but I feel like today's going to be a good day," I responded, with him laughing at that, for some reason, which he eventually explained "The last time you said that, you nearly died on a mission involving a serial killer," well, that was true, but I still had a good feeling about today, so, I just let that slide, and even laughed at that as he served me the food. Surely the same thing wouldn't happen twice in a row, right? That would just be lazy, right? I ate my breakfast before any of the other pokemon were even waiting in line, and once I heard a certain loudred shouting at everyone to wake them up, I took the other meals, and ran to my team's room. I heard Tini mumbling about pies and pokemon getting attacked with the pastries, for some reason. [i]He must be having a strange dream for him to be mumbling about that stuff.[/i] I thought as I placed the plates near my other teammates... and then Larry busted through the door, and shouted "EVERYONE! IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!" just as he usually does in the morning. Thankfully, since I was awake, and saw him coming, I managed to cover my ears before he could do it, which helped, if only a little bit.