[hr][centre][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170219/9572738073b5736c7f25c5d832764cf6.png[/img][/centre][hr] [centre][hider=FrostBite][hr][img]https://s27.postimg.org/ncytndxhv/Frost.jpg[/img] [color=Aqua][h2]FrostBite[/h2][/color][hr] [color=Aqua][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]FrostBite[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Tribe[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]WaveTribe[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Stage[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Koa - 39 Moons[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Apprentice[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]None - Currently[/i][/color] [hr] [color=Aqua][b]Build/Size[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]Rather slender, yet tall[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]FrostBite is a rather lean figure, having quite a daunting height and size, but a thinner build than the average large-warrior. His slyness is suitable for his style of quick movement and confrontation. Whilst having a very long tail, an almost impeccable addition to his movement, he's never really clogged up by tight spaces due to the natural thinness he brings with him. Several scars and scratches litter his pelt and facial appearances, some of which stretched and grew over his own growth. They are quite old, fleshy in certain places, though others have blended in nicely with a natural look towards his fur. His fur is between short and long, being ruffled in places for both looks and general comfort or warmth.[/i][/color] [hr] [color=Aqua][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]What seems to get by others is how obedient he is. FrostBite is loyal to the bone towards his tribe, due to the fact that they've always seemed so protective of him. His upbringing within the tribe has left him in a state where he must return the favour through dedication and hard-work, even if he cannot undertake every task given. On a personal level, he's quite solitary, having spent most of his time sticking up towards the commands of others and doing what he had been told. Though he can speak to others without too much disturbance, he's not fully used to the ideas of immense conversation up until recent interactions, making him come across as quite timid and awkward in places. Overall, FrostBite has more of a defensive alignment in combat, and will favour decisiveness over strength to undermine threats, something that can be useful in both his wondrous ways of hunting and potentially through conversation and/or arguments.[/i][/color] [color=Aqua][b]Background[/b][/color] [color=Silver][i]FrostBite hailed originally from a separate area. What he is unaware of, but the current Chieftain is, would be the process of 'Re-education' that was placed for his upbringing within the tribe. It was an incident completely thrown to one side, hardly spoken about amongst even the Chieftains. But all that FrostBite knows was that his kithood was involved. As told by his Chieftain, he wandered off very early in his life, so far as to reach the border of another bordering competition, BlazeTribe. Whilst apparently being within that area, he was thrown around by a group of Rogue cats who trespassed by, eventually being aided and returned by a stray patrol from BlazeTribe. Though the details were very scarce and his knowledge on it was based off of what Elder cats had told him, FrostBite never really thought about it too much. During his early life, he spent a lot of his time, as a kit, with an Elder known as FrogPelt, a calming and soothing, recently-made elder who owned the title of his parent and carer. This kept him from wandering off further, mainly, but also was there to give him early support in certain troubles and aspects of his kithood. Obviously, there weren't that many, but he was shown to have a slight lack of strength early-on whilst running around to keep up with other Kits. With a tendency to misplace a paw here and there, quick actions, which would later affect hunting within the future, were quite odd and performed to a strange standard. Eventually, it was noticed that Frost was a very peculiar cat when it came to playing around with other kits, excessively using his tail to play-fight and muck around with the others casually. Before he knew it, he was 6 moons old, and was thrown into the new responsibility of becoming a WaveTribe apprentice. His mentor, FernWhisp, and himself had quite a moderate relationship and connection with one another, leading to their training being fast, progressive and efficient. It was difficult for them to talk outside of their own mentoring cycle, but eventually the two managed to support one another's problems through the amount of time they had to spend dealing with one another's mishaps. During this age, FrostPaw, as he was, grew fond of another tom named VolePaw, which quickly grew a very close friendship between the two. They watched over one another like litter mates during their days as apprentices, Vole obviously being largely more idol-like with Frost being the more 'Side-kick' of the pair. It granted him a nickname of the 'Apprentices' Apprentice', usually thrown around with satirical pestering. From then on, he reached the time to be announced as a Warrior amongst WaveTribe's ranks, officially rising to what could be a respectful position within his place. Hunting with his tail quickly caught a bit of attention from the current-age Koa, pointing him out as an individual who can adapt to different hunting conditions. It was mostly improvisation, but this developed his quick-thinking skills both within action and when discussing matters with other warriors or the Koa. It showed him promise, but it didn't fully stand him out as a successful warrior. His networking group of comrades within WaveTribe was relatively small, as he usually kept his conversations with VoleStep and FrogPelt. He tried catching up to maintain a friendship with his old mentor, who was slowly becoming more and more distant from the Tribe as a whole, eventually leading to her abandonment of the Tribe altogether. VoleStep too soon found himself disappearing overnight after talks of wanting to see the rest of the Island itself. It was quite a distressing time for FrostBite as a whole, but he couldn't argue with VoleStep's ambitions to be independent. He was respectful of his friend's decisions and encouraged him only to follow what he thought was right, as long as he knew it'd not cause trouble anywhere. From then on, he mostly remained by FrogLeap's side until she too passed away from her natural age. It was a respected and remembered loss to the tribe, due to her communal commitment to the social aspects they were blessed with. The moons then passed on from there. Most of the time, he only spoke when business was involved and remained to himself during other periods of time, but FrostBite continued to attempt to gain a friendship within the tribe to ensure he too was to enjoy his placing within his home. Though things didn't really work out well, he remained a more of a background warrior without boasting of any special qualities or quirks. However, he was introduced to even more responsibility when faced with the issue of a large input of apprentices, causing there to be quite a low amount of mentors to train every single apprentice. Though it was only three additional ones without any mentors, FrostBite offered to help, despite being one of the younger warriors, and gained one of his own. During hardships with other mentors, he offered to train other apprentices alongside his own, MothPaw, in order to sustain a small progression system. It was very demanding as a role, and usually led to a less valuable performance of his mentoring skills, but it provided a slightly sustainable system for the times of hardship. It showed responsibility under multiple pressures at once, and eventually caught the eyes of the Chief. By the time the Koa was reported dead from an unknown individual, moons after the apprentice overhaul, FrostBite found himself being elected a lot earlier than usual for the role of Koa. Though this was originally met with protest from some of the sloppier, older and more senior warriors, it was justified with his full-blown commitment and hidden talents to quickly think of alternatives to best adapt to situations of great pressure and risk. Though this wasn't all technically 100% accurate, it mostly was. And so, he recently took the title, taking a while to try and get used to the sudden leap of intense workloads and responsibilities. Besides, it finally made him a recognisable figure within the Tribe of his 'Home'...[/i][/color] [/hider] [/centre]