[hider=isabella] [Centre][b][h1][color=coral]Isabella[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/2fc4bad561fdc376dad8bdc9922cc996/tumblr_msl4m6xdda1ridbiho1_500.gif[/img] Name : Isabella "Izzy" Thornton Race : Elven Gender : Female Background : Izzy comes from a long line of the legendary Elfan Blade Dancers. Warriors that were fighting with two swords while also having a bow and a quiver with them. She has learned how to dual wield swords and is a better fighter than most other warriors, her training also allowed her to develop an almost inhuman agility but living with Elfan every day of her life, Izzy was taught that Elfan are superior than the other races. Also her training was focused on speed rather than strength and 'thus she is slightly weaker than other races. Age: 20 Appearance: Eye color : Gray Height : 5'5 Skills Izzy is skilled in the use of blades, bow and arrow, and daggers. Izzy has a small knowledge of how to treat injuries and aliments, but not much Izzy is a fine hunter History Izzy was raised in the way of blade dancing, raised to carry on the family tradition. She parted ways when she was old enough, and slowly worked her way to the citadel. She was well aware of the trapped Magi there, and thought if she got in, she could do something about that. Predisposition to the Magi: She has nothing against magi. Personality : Isabella is a strong, independent woman. Isabella has learned to be strong, simply to survive and beat what she thinks is a crappy system. She is also a very compassionate and caring individual, wanting others to be happy. Even when things seem bad, she always put on a brave face. She is also very optimistic, seeking to see the good in things and what could happen, rather then dwelling on what was happening. She is quite a bright young woman, intelligent, skillful, diligent strong willed and a bit of a dreamer, Isabella keeps hope when no one else does. She has an inner strength she seeks when she feels she can't go on, and is quite dedicated to what she does. While she is kind, she doesn't show her softer side to too many people, in order not to be taken advantage of. She only shows that side to those she truly cares about. Isabellas main strength is her ability to see the good in others. She seeks to focus on positives, instead of negatives. Her greatest strength comes from her faith in others, believing in people, got her through the early aspects of her life. Isabella has some trouble with nightmares. Her inability to talk about it can be crushing for her, and she finds it hard to confide in anyone Notes ( things purely for story ) :[/centre] [/hider]