All across the fields the sound of merry laughter flooded out from the town of Harvest, the joy of the festival spreading across the wide open plains as groups broke out from the town centre to spread their boisterous celebrations to more secluded spots. All day had the spirits of the town flourished in the festival, and now that many had their inhibitions clouded with the drinking of vast quantities of wine did the common girl make her movements. Years back, when the girl was far younger and naive she had been apprehensive about the ruckus of the festival but now, after so long of practices her routine she played the part she wanted perfectly. Rising before the rays of light stretched too far across the land she had began to work on crafting the required image for herself, taking the opportunity to dress her form with expensive cosmetics she saved for such an occasion. Her common clothes were replaced with a lavish emerald tunic that flowed down into a dress that just brushed just above her knees enticingly.Her brown and red hair flowed freely as it swung either side of a raven mask coloured white, the combination giving her a strange and different appearance compared to what most would be wearing. Then had come the long day in which she had picked out her marks, finding suitable prey amongst the mass of crowds and catching their attention, slowly luring them away from the large crowds to her intended destination where she would have her fun. Twice already she had played her trick and now with the fading light as the sun prepared for its rest, this third time would likely be the last for this festival. By now the raven her and prey had already slipped out from the confinements of the town, gliding into the surrounding fields and forest where they each had their own idea of fun. Dancing ahead, ducking between the trees, Kali’s laughter carried across the branches, the soft sound guiding her prey to continue the chase. Already had they shared moments of passion, a deep meeting of the lips as hands explored the surface of each others bodies, the warm of each other driving the cold air of the night away. Enticed by both the recent sensations of her body and the sound of laughter, onwards her prey dashed, undaunted by their surroundings. [b]“Come now, how far must you run?”[/b] The young man in the wolf mask called out, his tone humorous but also carrying the hint of frustration, no doubt becoming eager for the prize he so hungrily sought. Stepping from behind a tree, Kali spread her hands, revealing the shape of her body as she replied [b]“Oh just a little further, somewhere we won’t be disturbed all night long…”[/b] before adding in a more teasing tone [b]“...unless of course the wolf that is hunting me catches me first, then I’d be completely at his mercy!”[/b] she finished with a mock cry of distress, before vanishing behind the tree again, the young man hesitating only for a moment as dreams of the long night played out in his mind, driving him forward to continue the chase. Deeper into the undergrowth the chase continued, the wolf’s actions becoming faster as the raven seemed to draw nearer. As they drew closer to her intended destination she allowed her hunter to draw closer, letting her image consume more of his vision and occupy his mind so he did not realise the location until she deemed it time, her laughter increasing as he drew ever closer, beckoning him to claim his prize. Reaching out, his hand brushed against the fabric of her clothing once, then twice as she gave a joyous cry of surprise before finally he managed to firmly grasp her clothing. Knowing that he could damage her costume if she tried to pull away head on, she instead allowed herself to be pull close, the wolf grabbing her by her shoulders firmly in embrace as the two fell to the ground. Grinning from beneath the mask she looked up at the young man, her hand reaching up to pull at his sides playful [b]“Mmhmm, it appears I have been caught”[/b] she whispered in an eager tone. The wolf, though tired from their play-time, eagerly drifted his eyes across her form as his face took on a hungry look [b]“Indeed you have, and now this wolf shall have his way with you”[/b]. Kali could not help but give another laugh of enjoyment as her hands reached at his belt, beginning to unbuckle it [b]“Oh, I can only imagine what lustful acts you’ll perform in front of my shrine”[/b]. The wolf continued to smile for a moment but caught himself on her last few words. Finally breaking his gaze from her form, he looked up and took in his current position, face turning white as he spotted the shrine. Grinning at the reaction, Kali could barely contain her humour at how superstitious so many of the villagers of this shrine were, but maintaining her imagine, with his weakened grasp one of her hands reached up around his back and pulled him down close to her as her other continued working at his belt [b]“Come now my little Wolf, did you not want to send a night with a Witch? I promise it shall be the best night of your life”[/b] she whispered into his ear adding a hint of anger to the final words as if to drive home the danger. Reeling back, the young wolf reached down and grabbed her Raven mask, tearing it off as if seeking to confirm his fears. Beneath the mask, Kali’s face lay marked with white and black powders, taking inspirations from the stories of the witch that circulated the town she seemed to be a spitting image. Unable to keep his calm, the young man let out an unbecoming shriek of terror as he pushed Kali to the ground, running off into the forest as his mind was consumed with the single purpose of fleeing, ignorant to his current state. Sitting up, Kali listened for a few moments until the sounds of his expeditious retreat became but a distant sound of the night before allowing herself to break composure. At first she let out a few giggles at the foolishness of his reaction, but it quickly gave way to a full fit of laughter. The sheer look of terror on his face had been such a sight to behold! [b]“And he didn’t even realise!”[/b] she said to herself in between the laughs as she raised his coin purse in front of her eyes, her hand having deftly cut it loose from his belt. Wiping a tear from her eye, she glanced at the Raven mask that had been so carelessly thrown to the side, a frown creeping upon her face as she noticed its edges had become crumpled. Sighing she gently picked up the mask as she examined the damage [b]“A wolf mask was entirely unfitting for a brute like that, should have been a wild boar”[/b] she muttered, glad that this was her last catch of the night as it would take some work to repair the mask. Turning her gaze back to the shrine she could not help but smile, considering herself fortunate to have once braved the walls of this building. For so long she too had been terrified of the tales of this strange and abandoned structure, but that night she had snuck inside to hide away, it seemed as though everything in her life had improved just a bit. Fondly recalling the memories, her mind drifted to the most important detail of the building, that single statue that dominated the main room. While Kali had seen statues dedicated to the Gods before, when her eyes had first fell upon the statue within this decrepit building she felt as though she was truly gazing upon the image of a goddess. The way the stone had been shaped seemed to have details that should have been impossible to capture and yet there it was, in defiance of what she assumed to be the truth. So captivated by the statue, Kali could not help but begin to travel to the shrine more often and soon enough she even found herself doing small meager offerings for the Goddess. Surely a creature a beautiful as the one depicted in this temple deserved even the smallest of offers, surely even the most forgotten of God’s deserved even the most simple of followers? Reaching down she checked to make sure the pouch she had attached to her belt had not been lost in the thrill of the hunt before, it was but a small harvest offering but Kali felt compelled in a way she could not explain. Moving towards the door she paused and frowned, noting that the door was open. She was always certain to close the door, simply out of habit at this point, and glancing inside the rapidly fading light allowed her to gleam the outline of an object on one of the broken columns inside. ‘Does that mean there is another person inside?’ Kali quickly wondered, her mind racing with possibilities of who else would come to such a secluded place, surely none of the villagers given the rumours that surrounded the shrine. Curious, Kali quietly crept up to the door of the shrine and stepped inside, figuring that if anyone would be here they would no doubt be at the the image of the Goddess. Unsure of what to expect, even Kali was surprised as she stepped upon the image of a woman whose actions most certainly seemed to indicate that she was caressing the statue and...given the brief snippet of the conversation she had overhead was eager to have a very different kind of harvest with the Goddess, a far more physical but nonetheless joyous and passionate one. Still, as odd as the sight was, it was still somewhat intriguing and she found herself compelled to announce her presence [b]“I might have, though I can confess it is not often I have desired a stone statue of a woman before”[/b] she answered the woman's question in a bemused but accusing tone, judging her for the strange act of fondling a stone woman’s image