Hello all! This is a Slice-Of-Life RP where the players take control of Yokai. They will be part of a mystical court that protects the inhabitants of a fictional Japanese rural city of Akamagaseki. In return, the people of Akamagaseki offer their worship which gives Yokai their powers. The more the people love the local spirits, the more potent the Yokai's powers are. (Note that Yokai can live without human worship, they would just be powerless.) But keep in mind, Yokai are the stuff of myths and are secretive, helping out only from the shadows. Those who actively try to expose them are silenced through a variety of ways with death as a last resort as this prompts investigation. However, there are some humans who are trusted and can be utilized by the Yokai court to get things done. Also, they can appear to regular humans provided that the general public does not believe their encounter, like children. The mystical court (for now we'll call it the Akamagaseki Court) will be defined by the players such as who are the leaders, how they deal with problems and what are the ground rules and general policies. Basically, the players make up the entirety of the court and all its rules and shenanigans. I will hold of the Character Sheets until there's enough interest for an OOC. In the meantime, have some folklore pop music! [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4ko6NBmxrU[/youtube] I guess now is as good a time as any to say that this is set in the latter days of (an AU) World War 2 (Hitler has already died and Germany and Japan are on their knees).