Tora was finding more delight in this partnership than he perhaps should be. The reason for his jabs was purely to incite a reaction, and they seemed to be doing just that. Even by not speaking to him he could tell he was having some effect on her. What a joy it was, being able to tease people like this. He couldn't quite wait to see if they had another class, if she was so easily bothered by a measly few words. Granted they weren't likely going to be so close next time, but maybe he could still find a means to toy with her. His antics were going to be necessary this class anyways now that he had found out how tear-jerkingly dull the lesson truly was. Basic, basic chemistry, something you could test in a kitchen if you really wanted to. Nothing worth getting excited over, he lamented, half-heartedly carrying out his assigned task. Solution A into Solution B made this happen, and then you wrote down what this was, it didn't get much more straightforward than that. Tora had initially no problems with doing the work on his own, figuring that he'd have it done in no time. The actual work was proving to be so menial that he couldn't be bothered to do it all, and eventually had to relent and push it onto his partner. Whether she wanted to do it or not she was going to, thanks to some help from the instructor. Holding the beaker out to the girl he smirked as she snatched it from his hand, letting out a breathy chuckle. How cute, she even recycled his little snip from earlier too. Poor girl didn't realize just how frequently he did this, he loved getting under people's skins. Seeing their reactions was the best thing in the world, it brought him quite a bit of joy. Of course, the opposite could be said as well when it came to how he behaved when provoked. Tora was all smiles and games when he was pushing buttons and calling the shots, he'd be on a high then. As soon as tables were turned and he was the one being targeted he quickly became hostile, and not in a mildly annoyed way either. It took a fair amount to get him there though, and this girl was most certainly not capable of doing it to him. At most she was amusing, and at her very worst just boring. With no other means of entertainment right now though he'd take what he could get. "Oh would you hold my hand...?" Tora asked, grinning as he cocked his head to the side a bit. "A pretty girl like you holding my hand, why, that would just be the best thing ever. Gosh darn, you make me feel special." Smiling as the beaker was shoved into his chest he grabbed it with one hand, lifting it like a glass and making a toasting gesture cheekily. "Cheers?" After copying down his partner's notes Tora went about doing the next step, grabbing the two ingredients on the list he needed. What a painfully repetitive task this was, just pour, write, rinse and repeat. At least he was having some fun doing it. The girl he was with was proving to be all sorts of delightful, and not just in how she behaved. Really she wasn't bad looking, as he'd thought already, and her attitude kind of made her even more attractive. Plus, she had a nice voice, even if a little bitchy. He almost wanted to prompt her to argue with him just to hear it, though it was hard to do much of anything in the middle of the class. Humming softly under his breath some indistinct tune he began to pour the two liquids in again, creating the oh so underwhelming reaction that they were looking for. It bubbled and hissed again, and to no one's intrigue the contents turned an off-brass color from the reaction. Resisting the urge to write down fecal water in his notes he did it as was expected, carefully dumping the contents into the sink before giving the beaker a good rinsing. "Nice chicken scratch handwriting, by the way," Tora teased, placing the beaker before his partner again. "Gotta say, this school kind of sucks. I didn't know what to expect coming here, but I had definitely hoped for a little more than this. I mean seriously, half the students seem borderline retarded, and the teachers are incapable of doing anything but talking out their asses." This was all said under his breath as Mr. Gervais was only three tables over, though he made no effort to hide the smirk he was wearing. "I can see why you're so damn bitter being here. Then again, you could just have a stick up your butt too, I don't know." Tora was already finding it difficult to play the good little student as was intended. There was absolutely no investment on his part to be a good student anyways, he didn't need this education. Frankly he'd sooner do away with this absurd ruse, if it wasn't the only means of completing his job. Getting into the school not as a student and searching through everyone inside for his target may be a tad difficult otherwise, and would most certainly attract unwanted attention. This was the safest bet, albeit the most mind-numbing and painstaking way of going about it. Not even a full day in and already he was beginning to second guess the plan, but he'd not deviate from it. Not unless he wanted his rear handed to him on a platter when he went back home. His own teacher, the only teacher he actually respected to a degree, would go ballistic if he messed this up. Not to mention how bad it would be for everyone if he screwed up. It was a fair bit of pressure on him, with that in mind, and being a dick and joking around had a certain way of alleviating some of that concern. Until he was actually done however it would be constantly nagging him.