[quote=@ADParis] AAAYYYY YOU USED THE LOGO I MADE 8D Here are my kitty cat babies for review once again |D [hider=mah babs] [hider=Rootfur] [color=8dc73f][b]Age/Rank[/b]:[/color] Just under a year (11 moons) / Warrior [color=8dc73f][b]Size[/b]:[/color] Just a touch smaller than the average for his age Lean and very agile, even if he isn't the fastest [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/ecc3/f/2017/018/0/0/rootfur_by_adparis-davwp03.png[/img] [/hider] [color=8dc73f][b]Background[/b]:[/color] Rootfur was born of a rogue tom (who is absent) and Tribe she-cat (who died due to greencough when Rootfur was just about to become an apprentice). Since his mother's death, he fought hard to become a Warrior. Though cats were skeptical even when Shadestep stepped in to be his mentor, there's little doubt that Rootfur will be a good addition to WaveTribe's roster of Warriors, even if he's a little.. antsy. [color=8dc73f][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] [color=8dc73f][i]Determined To A Fault[/i][/color] - He could easily bite off far, far more than he can chew and get into very serious trouble. [color=8dc73f][i]Feisty, Even Scrappy[/i][/color] - Because he's just barely not a kit or apprentice anymore, he still has oodles of energy and drive to do what needs to be done.. or maybe just run around and play rough with other cats. Either one. [color=8dc73f][i]Secretly Insecure[/i][/color] - Due to his heritage, he feels like he has to make up for it, so to speak. Just because he's not a pureblooded Tribe cat, that doesn't mean he can't BE a Tribe cat! [color=8dc73f][b]Color[/b][/color]: 8dc73f [/hider] [hider=Shadestep] [color=e6ac00][b]Age/Rank[/b]:[/color] 5 1/2 years (66 moons) / Warrior [color=e6ac00][b]Size[/b]:[/color] Fairly large Despite her size, she's actually a very sneaky cat [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/0e51/f/2017/018/3/f/shadestep_by_adparis-davwozw.png[/img] [/hider] [color=e6ac00][b]Background[/b]:[/color] She lived as comfortable a life as a Tribe cat does - she's fought, she's hunted, she's even taken a life or two, but now that she's gotten older, she's winded down a bit. She's hesitant to retire as a Warrior, but she's also found she's not quite as fast as she used to be, and it does scare her, frankly. She's afraid that she's not going to be able to protect her Tribe the way she used to. She's afraid that the gap that she'd be leaving if she retired might not be filled quickly enough. Even if everything seems fine on the surface, she's seen how quickly things can go wrong and how fast numbers can dwindle... [color=e6ac00][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] [color=e6ac00][i]Potential Leader[/i][/color] - She has the air of a cat who can put feelings aside to get stuff done, yet can also be a very dedicated leader who could easily bring the Tribe to greatness.. if she was ever [i]chosen [/i]to, at least. [color=e6ac00][i]Calm Under Pressure[/i][/color] - In a majority of dangerous situations, she's able to think quickly and, in her youth, she could act even quicker. She has the experience to know how situations are likely to go down, and she's usually able to get every cat back home safely. Usually. [color=e6ac00][i]Outbursts[/i][/color] - Despite her calm, cool demeanor, she's had a few incidents of verbally blowing up at other cats due to not properly 'feeling' her emotions and holding them back. She feels like if she's able to squish her feelings down and fake being alright, the whole Tribe benefits. On top of that, due to her age, she's spent many a night falling asleep to her worried thoughts. [color=e6ac00][b]Color[/b]:[/color] e6ac00 [/hider] [/hider] [/quote] And senior Warrior she with leader qualities that got put aside from a younger FrostBite for koa? Ooooooooh boy, this can only go one way.