[@Cuccoruler] I probably didn't gave enough detail or I haven't expressed myself properly. She is useless in combat for a few minutes ( aka incapacitated ) that doesn't mean she can re-use the ability after those minutes pass. Nevertheless I added this to the ultimate ability description : " After she uses the ability, she needs to wait a day before she can use it again. " [hider=Alexis Shadowborn] Appearance: [hider=Human Form] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f9/f6/e7/f9f6e74b338c18b7a565fc621f3efb95.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Shadow Form] [img]http://i.picpar.com/8BUb.png[/img] [/hider] Name: Alexis Shadowborn Age: 21 ( she looks 21 but as she was merged with the Shadow she stopped aging. She is technically 90 years old ) Gender: Female Race: Shadowborn ( The Shadowborn are half-human, half-shadow creatures ) Personality: Bi-polar. Can either try to kill someone for the pleasure of doing so or save that person because she just feels like it. Alignment: Walking the line ( Neutral ) Class: Illusionist-Rogue Equipment: [url=http://i.imgur.com/xt6qBwL.png] Two shadow swords that have a small chance to pass through solid matter [/url] Powers: 1. Shadowshift : Alexis is able to change from a human form to a shadow form at will. Making her faster, stronger and more resilient to damage. 2. Phase : In her shadow form, Alexis is able to phase through matter making her "ethereal" ( she cannot attack but she cannot be attacked also ) 3. Shadow Illusion : In her shadow form, Alexis can make two copies of herself to confuse attackers. The copies cannot deal damage. 4. Shadow Shift : In her shadow form, Alexis changes shape into a living wall of shadow capable to stop most damage but too much damage put on the wall, will inflict damage on Alexis. 5. (Ultimate Ability) Merge : In her shadow form, Alexis completely disappears and merges with an enemy. She then takes control of the enemy and can kill him using his body. An enemy with strong willpower is harder/impossible to control but even those need to take a few seconds/minutes to fight her off. Alexis is weakened after the merge and can be useless in combat for a few minutes. This is a last stand ability that she doesn't enjoy using. After she uses the ability, she needs to wait a day before she can use it again. History: Alexis doesn't know much about her place of birth. She knows she was once a human, like any other. A thief. She long heard rumors about a distant temple that housed the greatest treasures, anyone has seen. Like many others before her, she tried her luck at stealing the treasures within the temple. No one ever came back and that would raise questions in anyone but Alexis. She was determined that she would be the first to succeed what other failed. After 3 years of constant traveling throughout the lands, searching for the hidden temple...she finally found it but when she finally arrived, she knew something was wrong. There were no guards, no treasure, nothing...except a small ring in the middle of what looked like a sacrificial chamber and a lot of skeletons. Deciding that no matter what, she wouldn't return empty handed home...she touched the ring and that was her final mistake. Shadows emerged from the ring and entered Alexis and she doubled up in pain and screamed for what it seemed like hours and then she fell unconscious. For two weeks, she stood there on the ground. Not moving, breathing or anything like that but when she did...she knew something was wrong, different. Not longer a human, not a shadow but both. Human and shadow. Most of her life after that she herself doesn't remember. The shadow taking away her mind while she could barely control her own body. For 60 years, she stood in the temple. Guarding it, as if there was anything valuable inside. After the first 50 years, thieves stopped coming as the rumors of " The Shadow Woman " started spreading as wildfire between thieves and would-be thieves. After some time she left the temple. Seeing the world, she left behind. Now, in control of her mind and body, Alexis wanders the lands searching for others like her. Other touched by the Shadows themselves. The Demon Lord got her attention as The Hero, rose up to fight him. She found this funny, because how can a mere human fight a Demon ? But when the Hero defeated the Demon Lord and took his place, Alexis's smile faded. She knew that the Hero will conquer and destroy her hopes of finding others like herself. [/hider]