[hider=Kahleni] [b]Name[/b]: Kahleni Malnin [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Background[/b]: Magi [b]Mana[/b]: 100 [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Appearance[/b]: Kahleni has white hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. She looks average for her age, although some may confuse her for a younger individual given that she’s borderline underweight. [url=https://w-dog.net/wallpapers/12/19/504684187760962/girl-eyes-blue-eyes-view-white-hair.jpg]Character image[/url] [b]Fur Color[/b]: N/A [b]Eye Color[/b]: Blue [b]Height[/b]: 5’5 [b]Predisposition to Non-Magi[/b]: Kahleni is not too fond of non-magi--for obvious reasons--but likewise, she's also terrified of them. The fact that they can end her life for any minute reason leads the young mage to be as well-behaved as possible whenever they drop off her food. [b]Spells[/b] [list] [*] Kahleni can manipulate the blood of any race or creature. She is able to aid an injured being by stopping the bleeding from their wound. The larger the wound, the more mana is used. Mana: 25/100 [*] Her other spell can be used on unconscious individuals. Kahleni will place her hand over someone's heart, which will in turn send a burst of energy to said organ in order for it to start beating again. This spell doesn't guarantee the individual will regain consciousness as there could be other illnesses or diseases hindering their otherwise perfect state of health. Mana: 30/100 [/list] [b]History[/b]: Not much to say. Kahleni is the average mage whose parents were killed upon her birth. She’s been a prisoner for as far as she can remember, and after so many years of being alone, she’s created entire universes in her mind to pass the time. That, and work on whatever weak spells she can. The only reason Kahleni hasn’t committed suicide just yet is that she has hope for a better future. [b]Personality[/b]: Kahleni’s personality is a bit complicated. She goes through stages where she’ll spend days without as much as saying a word, and then the days that follow are wasted away as Kahleni has full conversations with herself. Even though she’s long been used to the darkness, sometimes the nightmares she has leave her too frightened to move, and thus, she’ll remain cuddled in a corner of her cell. [b]Notes[/b]: N/A [/hider]