So... I have to discuss this before I respond.... I'm getting a bit, well irritated that everything he does or says it met with a backlash of negativity. I understand that she has not had much of a positive life and I also understand that she's going through a lot mentally as well but can she honestly be [i]that[/i] clueless that everything Kenton says or does is met with a 'oh my god I'm annoying him and I need to get away'. It's getting to the point as a reader and writing his responses I'm ready to just send her home and I'd rather not but at the same time... if she's going to continue to have such negative responses when his expressions/tones/words are all soft I feel like maybe pulling them apart for a while might the best option. Can you help me figure out maybe a reasoning why she's [i]so incredibly[/i] distant from him because it's bothersome.