[hider=Shadestep] [color=e6ac00][b]Age/Rank[/b]:[/color] 5 1/2 years (66 moons, 33 human years) / Warrior, Mentor [b][color=e6ac00]Apprentice[/color]:[/b] [i]Hawkpaw[/i] [color=gray][b](1Hawkeyes)[/b][/color] [color=e6ac00][b]Size[/b]:[/color] Fairly large, and her long fur makes her look larger Despite her size, she has soft, quiet footsteps and is light on her feet [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/e42f/f/2017/058/a/4/shadestep_by_adparis-db0maa9.png[/img] [/hider] [color=e6ac00][b]Background/Origins/Motivations[/b]:[/color] Shadestep has lived as comfortable of a life as a Tribe cat is able - her mother and father were both present and loved her dearly, her mentors were patient but stern, and she has fought bravely and passionately to protect her Tribe from outsiders, be they other Tribes or something else. While she hasn't felt any deeply personal hardships, she has felt WaveTribe's hardships, from the small outbreak of greencough to the loss of life from the fall of CloudTribe. In her youth, she saw how quickly things can go wrong and how fast numbers can dwindle. While she didn't take part in many of the larger battles (she was placed on guard), she felt the losses. When cats that should have come home didn't, time and time again, she knew something was deeply wrong. The one battle she [i]did[/i] get involved with was the absolute worst she's ever had a paw in - the Hare Hills were practically soaked red with the blood of cats - WaveTribe, CloudTribe, and BlazeTribe all lost warriors. Though she was among the exceptionally lucky few that didn't get too badly injured, she'll never forget just how many of WaveTribe fought valiantly and died bravely that day. She was loyal to her Tribe before, but these past hardships have further solidified it. [color=e6ac00][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] [color=silver][i]Potential Leader[/i]:[/color] Due to both size and general demenor, she has the powerful, authoritative air of a cat who could and would fiercely lead her cats to greatness, if she had the chance to. Despite this, she doesn't ever force herself into positions of power when it's not needed. She has no desire for power or to lead. [color=silver][i]Calm Under Pressure[/i]:[/color] In a majority of dangerous situations, she's able to think quickly and, in her youth, she could act even quicker. She has the experience to know how situations are likely to go down, and she's usually able to get every cat back home safely. [i]Usually.[/i] [color=silver][i]Naturally Maternal[/i]:[/color] While she has no plans for kits, especially given that her prime has passed, she has a nurturing aura to her. She was nowhere near as motherly in her youth, however. She was far more feisty and spunky, and was always trying to prove her worth. Now that she's aged, she's calmed. [color=e6ac00][b]Relations[/b]:[/color] [color=gray][b](will be added to as RP progresses)[/b][/color] [color=silver][i]Swiftsky[/i]:[/color] She deeply respects her leader and will rarely argue his decisions. He is kind, thoughtful, and considerate of every cat under him - as a leader should be. [color=silver][i]Frostbite[/i]:[/color] Though she respects Swiftsky's choice of Koa, Frostbite is exceptionally young - he wasn't even an apprentice when the Darkest Days of CloudTribe struck. She has her doubts, and she isn't hesitant to verbalize them when necessary. Aside from this, she really doesn't have much to think about him. [color=silver][i]Hawkpaw[/i]:[/color] While Shadestep would have been one to say Hawkpaw should become a Shaman's apprentice instead, the warrior quickly realized that Hawkpaw was [i]capable [/i]despite her poor sight. It's admirable, and Shadestep's doing everything in her power to make sure Hawkpaw will become an exceptional warrior. [color=silver][i]Rootfur[/i]:[/color] She has no ill feelings for Rootfur, especially given his past. She wasn't a lenient mentor, but she was a caring and sensible one. The tom could have easily hurt himself. [color=e6ac00][b]Color[/b]:[/color] e6ac00 [/hider] [hider=Rootfur] [color=809c43][b]Age/Rank[/b]:[/color] Just over a year (15 moons, 17 human years) / Warrior [color=809c43][b]Size[/b]:[/color] Just a touch smaller than the average for his age Lean, agile - runner, not a long-time fighter [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/973f/f/2017/058/6/5/rootfur_by_adparis-db0mbfx.png[/img] [/hider] [color=809c43][b]Background/Origins/Motivations[/b]:[/color] Though he and other cats are unaware, he was born of WaveTribe queen, Troutslip, and [i]a rogue tom[/i]. Because of his mother's vow of silence when it came to who the father was, Rootfur was raised as if he was any other Tribe cat. He was a particularly energetic and chatty kit, which was a blessing to some and an annoying curse to others. When he came of age, his mother [i]insisted[/i] on being his mentor, promising on her life that she would mentor him well. Due to her insistence she will not be lenient, and she will mentor her son as if he was any other cat, her son became her apprentice that Green-leaf. Not long after his apprenticeship, his mother took him close to [i]Jagged Tooth[/i] to teach him how to fish. She explained that if he could fish there, he could fish anywhere else, and it was the way she was taught. Rootfur was of course frightened, having heard stories of "the Great White beast," but Troutslip insisted they were only simply stories passed down to scare kits. [color=springgreen][i]"You have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to the water, Rootpaw. I promise you."[/i][/color] She led him to a place where land met sea, and she carefully demonstrated and talked through what she was doing. Horrifyingly, she slipped, a wave pulled her out into the ocean, and the last thing Rootfur heard of his mother was a terrified, agonized yowl as something yanked her under. [color=809c43][i]"MOM! [b]MOM![/b]"[/i][/color] Rootfur [i]desperately[/i] tried to dive after her, but he felt teeth in the nape of his neck and he was fiercely yanked back, far from the water. He immediately went to attack, but he was countered and pinned by Ringtail. Rootfur tried to get him off, crying about how his mother needed [i]help[/i], that there was nothing good coming out of stalling, that the Great White Beast might've gotten her and they need to act fast, but Ringtail kept him still until Rootfur wore himself out. Only when Rootfur was panting from the exertion and could barely move did Ringtail allow him to shakily get up. [color=f7941d][i]"I understand this will be difficult, but you diving in after her is a death sentence. You don't need to die too."[/i][/color] After that, the joyful, bouncy apprentice was no more. With Shadestep appointed as his new mentor, he focused solely on his training. If he dared let his thoughts stray, he thought of his mother, and if he thought of his mother, he found his paws trying to lead him back to Jagged Tooth. Shadestep was a patient, caring mentor and was almost like a foster mother more than a mentor to him at times, which genuinely worried some that he'll end up a soft Warrior. They were wrong, however. He may not be the strongest, but he is one of the quickest warriors, able to catch rabbits and birds like it's nothing. On top of that, while he isn't a good fighter, he can easily sprint circles and even [i]jump over[/i] some opponents, wearing them down and confusing them to get a blow in. He's clever, and that cleverness gave him back some confidence and pep. As of now, he is mostly over Troutslip's death, but he has a strengthened fear of deep, dark waters. Even the Shallow Pool is anxiety inducing at times, so he instead hunts in the forest or at Hare Hills.. Hare Hills is [i]especially[/i] fun to hunt in, in his opinion. Very few places to hide, a long stretch of mostly straight ground to [i]really[/i] sprint in.. it's better than the fresh-kill itself! [color=809c43][b]Personality[/b]:[/color] [color=silver][i]Kittish[/i]:[/color] While this aspect of his personality has dulled due to both his past and his training, he still gets playful and will gladly participate in the kits games if he has no other duties to attend to. [color=silver][i]Impulsive[/i]:[/color] He tends to just say what's on his mind in the moment, even if it's unwanted, unnecessary, or completely offensive. He also tends to completely eject himself from a conversation if he spots a bird just past your face, immediately going for the hunt. [color=silver][i]Emotionally Healing[/i]:[/color] While he claims he is "completely over his mother's death", he really isn't. You can never truly be completely over the loss of a loved one... Due to this, he's prone to having off days, especially around Green-leaf, given that's when his mother died. [color=809c43][b]Relations[/b]:[/color] [color=gray][b](will be added to as RP progresses)[/b][/color] [color=silver][i]Shadestep[/i]:[/color] Though the friendly feelings for each other are mutual, there's another layer to Rootfur's feelings of her. Shadestep filled in the void that his mother left when she died, so he sees her as a mother figure. He would be hesitant to admit it now, though. [color=silver][i]Ringtail[/i]:[/color] When the loss of his mother was especially hard in his youth, he sometimes went to Ringtail, not necessarily to force the elder to comfort him, but simply because his presence was calming to Rootfur. [color=809c43][b]Color[/b][/color]: 809c43 [/hider] [hr][hr] [hider=Cinderfang - NPC] [color=9bceca][b]Age/Rank[/b]:[/color] Two years (24 moons, 25 human years) / Warrior [color=9bceca][b]Size[/b]:[/color] Average Powerful build [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/4568/f/2017/062/2/2/cinderclaw_by_adparis-db11sfe.png[/img] [/hider] [color=9bceca][b]Color[/b][/color]: 9bceca [color=silver][i]AshTribe[/i][/color] [/hider]